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"yeah, so that was what happened."chenle said as he remembered the very last bit of his dream and told it. he crossed his arms, widened his eyes and nodded as if the dream had been anything of some sort of seriousness. "you may think i'm lying but i'm really not."

"that was a really long dream. i can't believe you spent two hours telling us your dream just to end it with mark-hyung already being dead when we visit the tree house." hyuck says with a snicker and rolls his eyes, turning around to mark to see his reaction.

mark only laughs cause he literally laughs as everything but then he sits himself up. "um—i can't believe like i really like died in chenle's dream."

"yeah, me either." hyuck adds on and chenle groans, annoyed with how hyuck was treating his story. "he died because of you, hyung—because you deceived some gangsters and they came after you."

"i think that's actually really cool," jeno says, trying to break the tension between the two younger boys but then raises a brow as he began to remember his part in the play. "hold up—why was i an alcoholic in your dream and that part about the woman?"

"jeno, you act like chenle could have controlled his dream." jaemin says with a hollered laugh and jeno pretends to smack his arm before retaliating. "yeah, it's just a dream. i would never carry you on my back even if you fell from a ten story building."

"guys, guys, guys," said jisung as he tried to catch the attention of all his older members. "can you guys just really think about his dream, though? isn't it kind of sad and scary? like wow, jeno-hyung and i really talked to dead mark-hyung and heard his voice at times."

"what's wrong with like my dead voice?" mark retorted and jisung shook his head as mark laughed. "like i mean i guess it was—um—really like sad. i can't believe you all—um—ended up like that all because i was murdered."

"yes, it was probably the scariest dream i've ever had in a while. it felt like i was myself, haechan-hyung, renjun-hyung, jeno-hyung, jisung, and jaemin-hyung at the same time." chenle said and before all of the members could continue commenting and adding what they wanted to say, renjun rolled his eyes and turned around from the stylist chair. "see, i told you ghosts were real. we were all practically talking to ghost mark-hyung in the dream."

it seems to have been the only thing that renjun completely understood from the dream, that ghosts was real and that mark was a ghost that could talk to them. then all the boys heard a voice that startled them, catching their attention.

"you're on in a little bit, guys! don't forget to start warming up your voices—jaemin, i said one americano was enough, is that a stain on your shirt?" the stylist wavers through the boys and brings jaemin to the rack of outfits to which he groans before laughing. "here, wear this! quick!"

jaemin takes the blazer and sets it down, unbuttoning his shirt after. then as the camera staff team tests out their cameras and the quality, they rotate the cams to a rather shirtless jaemin and jeno felt as if he had just experience a déja vu moment.

"see, this is why we should have made a petition for mark-hyung to stay in dream against sm." chenle whispers to jisung and the younger boy scruffles his brows but chenle sighs. "if mark-hyung didn't have to graduate then i wouldn't have had that dream. it's because he's graduating that i had it. it's a sign."

"or it's trying to tell you that ghosts exist and that mark-hyung is an actual ghost and we don't know it yet." renjun adds on, still not letting go of his beliefs as everyone shakes their head.

"didn't we play fake baseball with doyoung-hyung and taeyong-hyung?" jisung asks and chenle nods before quickly halting and pausing to think. "it might've been yuta-hyung and johnny-hyung but who cares, i was scared about us."

• • •

so that's it, guys lol

that was the story of how big graduation is and i cannot believe sm finally released that stateback about 6dream returning to its original form

7dream is amazing

but 7dream + their fake dream tree lucas is superior

thank you guys for reading this random story i wrote with love!

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