Chapter 5

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The Christmas lights were shining, and the sky was full of stars this evening. Even though it was December, it was not freezing. Team loved watching Christmas Lights. Every year he waited for that special event to come. Since he was little, Christmas has always been his favorite holiday. He was staring at the lights in front of him with big eyes, smiling like a child, when he finally sees the Christmas tree. "Are you enjoying yourself?", Win asked, smiling while watching the boy. "Yes. The lights are really beautiful. Don't you think?", the boy was asking Hia, but Win was less interested in the lights than in the boy himself. He stared at his face. "Yes, beautiful, indeed", Win said, with a soft voice and a sparkle in his eyes, not taking his eyes off Team.

The two boys were sitting so close to each other that their hands almost touched. Win was breathing heavily and he could swear that his heart was beating a million times faster as usual, just by sitting next to the boy with the raven hair. He wondered if Team could hear it, but he was too distracted by the lights, that he did not recognize Win moving closer to him.  Their hands were only a few inches apart. Just as Win took all his guts and tried to put his hand on the boy's, Team turned to him and smiled. That kind of smile, which makes Win forget everything else around him.

"Thank you for taking me here", Team said, smiling. Win's heart was beating like crazy in his chest. It felt like it's gonna jump out of his ribcage every second. "It means a lot to me. I know you don't really like such things. But you still took me there. Thank you, Hia." Both stared into each other's eyes, saying nothing for a few seconds until Win finally managed to open his mouth. "Team.. I.." Just as Win was about to say something, he was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hey Win, Team!  Aren't the lights beautiful?!", Pharm was waving from the other side of the street. Win swallowed and pulled back his hand. This was not the right time for the boy to appear. "Pharm! Yes. They are", Team replied with a smile. He had no idea how disappointed Win was at the moment. Dean, who was standing next to Pharm did not seem really happy either. Why did they have to meet each other right now?

"So, you two are out to watch the lights, too", Dean said. "Yeah", Win replied with a disappointed tone in his voice. "What a coincidence", said Pharm and smiled innocently. "How about a snack? I am really hungry right now?", Team was asking. "You are always hungry", Win replied, trying to dub his disappointment. "That is not true", Team was pouting. "Team and I bring us some fries", Pharm said and took his friend with him. "Uhh!", Win let out an annoying sigh while he watched Pharm and Team go. "Did you have to come now?", he asked Dean, running his hand through his blond locks. "Do you think I am happy? I should have known, that Pharm would stop to greet you guys." Dean was looking at Win with a suspicious look on his face. "Why? What were you planning just now?" Win was blushing, but before he could say anything, Pharm and Team were back.

"Here you are", said Pharm and gave Dean a pack of fries. "Thank you", Dean replied. "And here are yours", Team said and gave Win his. "Ähm. Thanks", Win said stuttering. Just as he was about to take the fries, their hands touched, which gave Win a slight tingling sensation on the skin. Win was shocked about that feeling and the fries fell to the floor. "Shit!", he cursed. "No problem. I'll share with you", Team said and handed him his fries. Win turned his face away, blushing. "It is ok. You don't have to", he said. "But I want to", Team replied with a soft smile. Win feels his body getting hot. What is this boy doing with him?

It was already eleven when Pharm and Dean decided to go back to their dorm. Team did not want to go home yet, so he and Win took a walk together. After a few minutes, Team was getting tired. "Can we sit for a few minutes, Hia?", he asked the older male. "Sure. Let's sit on the fountain." Team was sitting so close to him, that Win could smell his deodorant.  Normally he was the guy, who made other people nervous, because of his look and his confidence, but when he was with Team, he felt like a girl, who was with her crush. He gets nervous and his heart beats a thousand times faster. His hands get sweaty and his mind is a mess. All this happens when he is with Team. But Win was really great at covering it. No wonder Team does not notice his feelings for him. But at the moment, his heart is beating so fast in his chest. The presence of Team makes Win's hormones go crazy. His smell was clouding his sense. He got dizzy just by watching him. If he could, he would kiss him, right now, hard, without hesitation. How long has he been dreaming of kissing these full lips, running his fingers through his thick hair, making marks on the other's neck, letting him scream his name, while he makes him forget everything around him? "Hia? Are you ok?" Team's voice brought him back to reality. "Yes..Yes. Of course, I am ok", Win stuttered nervously, trying to get these pictures out of his head. Pictures of Team sitting on him..naked..and sweaty, with red cheeks and swollen lips.

"I think we should head home, too, Hia." Team's words brought Win back to reality. He shook his head and smiled. "Yes. You are right. Let's go home." Win had no idea how he should survive this any longer.

Win was laying on his bed, eyes closed, as he felt a pair of soft lips on his neck. A warm tongue was licking over the soft skin beneath them and the lips were leaving wet kisses on his neck. As he opened his eyes, he saw Team, naked, laying on him with a glazed look in his eyes. His hair was messy and sweaty and his cheeks red of sexual desire. Win was shocked when he stared into the other's eyes. "Win", Team was groaning. "Don't make me wait any longer. I am begging you." Team put his hand slowly, too slowly, into Win's black shorts. And when his cold hand touched Win's hot member, he screamed and groaned, closing his eyes and started to breathe heavy, when he suddenly felt the warm pair of lips, which a few seconds sooner were on his neck, now caressing his hot member. Win was gripping the bedsheets, letting out loud screams of pleasure. But as he opened his eyes, he was alone in his room. "Damn! What a nightmare", he cursed. "This needs to stop. Right now!", he said and got up to take a cold shower. Ice cold.

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