Chapter 46

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"How is he? How is Team?" Manaow worryingly asked, when they were sitting in Pharm's room. Her best friend took a deep breath. "What do you think he is? First, there was this misunderstanding with Araya, then Win left without giving Team an explanation, then Team thought Win was having a girlfriend and was becoming a father, then the accident happened and Team had to worry about his life, and after Win finally woke up, he can't remember Team anymore. I can't even imagine how he is feeling right now. I wish I could do something to help him. But..I can't bring back the old Win. Why did this have to happen? Both love each other so much, but something always seems to pull them apart." Manaow nodded. "You said P'Win can't remember Team anymore? But he does remember Dean?" "Yes. Dean said he also remembers his family. He just can't remember the last 2 years or so" Pharm explained. "But, is there any chance that he will get his memories back?" "According to the doctors there IS a chance, but..there is also a chance that he won't. If that really is going to be the case..I don't know how Team will..The person he loves the most does not remember him anymore..I don't know how..I wish there was something we could do to help Team."

It was early in the morning when Team woke up. His eyes were puffy and red from all the crying he did the night before. Team has never been an early-bird. Win on the other hand loved waking up early, because he would have enough time to get ready, rather than having to rush. Team loved eating, while Win could live from coffee alone. Team was never good at school, while Win was one of the best students in his faculty. They were totally different, in so many aspects. Sometimes Team wonders how he and Win became friends in the first place because, except for their passion for swimming, they do have not really much in common. He would have never thought that someone like Win, someone as gorgeous and perfect as Win would even notice someone like him, let alone like him. But, Win did. He liked him. Not as a "colleague", not as a "friend", but more. Or so he thought. But what if he was wrong? What if Win's feelings were not the same as his? Maybe he did just imagen something. And even IF he did feel the same, Win lost his memories. He does not remember how he felt for Team. So even if what he felt was love, he can't remember anymore.

"How are you feeling, honey?" Samiya softly asked when Team arrived in the kitchen. Wan ahs already left for work, so it was only the two of them. Team smiled softly at her. He was really grateful that Wan and Samiya offered him to stay with them. "I am ok" he lied and Samiya knew that. "You are nice..and cute. I see why Win.." Team was looking at Samiya, shocked. What does she know? Well, if his parents knew, of course, his sister-in-law does, too, he thought. "A few weeks before the accident happened..Win told me..that he..that he has feelings for some boy, but this boy has a girlfriend. If I didn't misunderstand something and there was some other guy ..then he was talking about you." Team was looking at her in shock. "Hia talked about me?" he asked surprised. Samiya nodded. "He..he was really not ok. He seemed so heartbroken at the time. I thought..whoever this person was..Win really must love them." Team could feel his cheeks getting warm, but he was ashamed for blushing in front of Samiya, Wan's girlfriend, Win's sister-in-law, the person he thought was his girlfriend. "And so do you, am I right?" Samiya softly asked the boy sitting in front of her. Team couldn't look at her, so he averted his gaze, but Samiya could see a slight blush building on the boy's cheeks. "I see why Win likes you so much. You are cute" she said and took a sip of her coffee. "How are his brothers? How are they dealing with the situation?" Team asked. Suddenly Samiya looked worried. "Wan is trying to be the strong one. But..while Win was in a coma, on the outside he was pretending to be the "strong older brother" who has everything under control, but..I have always been able to see through him. He was a wreck. He felt like he had failed his brother. As the oldest, Wan has always had the want and need to protect his younger brothers. When he heard about Win's accident, he thought it was kinda his fault" Samiya explained. "View cried a lot. Wan never cried in front of his brother and I think View is holding that against him. You know, the Wanichakarnjonkul-brothers have always been close. All three of them, but the connection Win and View share has always been something special. View has been looking up to Win since he was little. Seeing his brother fighting for his life..I don't know what it would have done to View if Win hadn't.." "He doesn't like me" Team stated. "Don't be mad at him" Samiya pleaded. "I am not. Maybe he is right after all. I am kind of responsible for Win's condition." Team almost whispered but Samiya heard it anyway. "Don't even think something like that. It was an accident. You weren't even near him when the accident happened. You weren't even in the same county. How could it be your  fault?" Team was looking at his hands. "I might didn't pushed him in front of the car..but I was responsible for his.." Team could feel the tears building again. Samiya put her warm palm on his cheek. "Look at me. IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT. If you think it was your fault for making him feel like that, then it was also my fault, because I didn't realize how awful he was really feeling, until it was too late. I knew that Win had..that he was not feeling well. ." Samiya knew that crying in front of Team was not fair. She promised herself, Win, and Wan to be strong. She wanted to be strong for her husband, but right now, she couldn't hold back the tears anymore. "Can I ask you something?" Samiya suddenly asked. "Sure" Team answered. "Do you think it was my fault? Do you think there was something I could have done, to prevent the accident?" Samiya asked with tears in her eyes. That was when Team realized, that he was not the only one who was blaming himself for Win's accident. So many other people were hurt because of that.

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