Chapter 25

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Win could feel his heartbreaking again. He could feel it breaking in his chest. "Team and Araya are engaged." These words were running around in his head. His phone fell onto the floor. "Win? Win, are you still there?", Dean asked worriedly. "I..What did you just say?", the blonde guy asked his best friend. "I am sorry. But Pharm told me, Team and his..Team is engaged now", Dean almost whispered the last sentence. "Win? Win, please say something. Are you ok?", his best friend said concerned. "Engaged? Why did he not tell me in person?", Win whispered to himself. His heart was beating like crazy against his ribcage.

Win was laying on his bed, crying. How often does he have to cry again because of that boy? Team does not have any feelings for him. He should know that by now. He knew that the boy has a girlfriend. But he did not know that it has already been this serious between the two. He was engaged. Team would marry his girlfriend. Win could no longer hold back his tears. He was glad his roommate was not here, because he wouldn't want him to see him crying. Hot tears were running down his face. But what did he expect? It was just a matter of time. Someday Team would find a girl he loves and he wants to marry. He did not expect it to happen so soon, but the boy was already old enough to get married. He was no minor anymore. Sure it was rare, to get married at such a young age, but if two people really love each other it does not matter how old they are.

Win was looking at his phone, scrolling through his pictures, until he stopped at a picture of him and Team. His heart ached in his chest and he could feel the tears building in his eyes. "Why does Dean have to be the one to inform me? Why couldn't you tell me you are gonna get married? I really thought, there was something between us. I really thought..But it seems he does not even consider me a friend. Do I mean so little to him, that he couldn't even tell me that he is engaged? I am really happy for you, Team. I really am. I am happy you found someone you love so much. But please forgive me if I won't anticipate your wedding. I would not be able to watch you..kiss her. I wouldn't be able to see you looking at her, with lovely eyes. It would kill me inside. Please, Team. Promise me only one thing. Please promise me, to forget me. Promise me to be happy with your fiancee..your wife", Win whispered, while his tears poured down on the picture of him and Team.

Team was laying on his bed, thinking about Arayas proposal. "She wants to marry me? Why did I never realize that she has actual feelings for me? Why did I not get that she likes me..that way? You are really stupid, Teerayu. Stupid. But..what do I feel for Araya? Do I like her? She is nice and pretty. I like her very much..but..I don't know if I want to marry her. I don't know if I want to get married at all. Should I not be happy about the fact, that a cute, beautiful, and nice girl like Araya likes me that much, that she wants to marry me? But why do I feel strange? Why does my heart not beat faster when I am with her? Not like..when I was with him", Team whispered, when he suddenly thought about Win.

"Why did you leave, Hia? Why are you not here? I need you. I need you..but you left me. Why did you leave me?", the boy was turning in his bed, burying his face into the pillow, when he suddenly heard his phone ringing. Team took a look at his display and his heart started beating faster. "Hia", he whispered. "Hello?", the boy said, almost whispering. Win's heart jumped in his chest when he heard the boy's voice. He tried to pretend everything was ok. He did not want to make Team worry. He never has. Making him worry was the last thing he wanted to do in his life, so he pretended to be happy. "Team. How are you?", Win asked, trying to sound happy. "I..I..Hia", Team was stuttering. "I bet you are excited. I would be. I am sorry I can't be there when it happens", Win lied. "But I am sure you gonna make it..without me", he said, trying to sound happy, but his heart ached, saying the words. Team thought, Win was talking about his upcoming swimming competition, so he did not ask. " are you?", he asked, almost whispering. Win's heart was pounding in his chest. "Me? I am fine. Great. New York is amazing. You should visit it someday. Wan is a little annoying most of the time, but Samiya and I have a lot of fun teasing him", Win lied. 'So, Samiya is her name', Team thought. 'I bet she is beautiful.'

"Here, I'll send you a picture", Win said and sent Team a picture of him and Samiya. Both were hugging each other and smiling. Team could feel his heart breaking. She was beautiful. So this is the type of girl Hia Win was attracted to. Suddenly he felt stupid. How could he ever think, that Win had feelings for him? How could he ever think about the possibility of Win feeling the same? THIS was his type. SHE was his type. He was nothing to him. Nothing, but his senior. He already knew it, but seeing the picture of Hia and his girlfriend hurt him so much.

Team wanted nothing more but to cry. He tried so hard to hold back his tears from falling. He knew it. He knew that someone like Hia Win must have a girlfriend. But seeing her made everything more real. He lost him. He never was his.

Win's voice brought him back to reality. "Team? Are you still there?", Win asked worriedly. "I..I am sorry, but I have a lot to prepare for school tomorrow", Team lied. "You and study? Seems you have changed", Win joked. ", too", Team whispered sadly.

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