Chapter 31

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Team was standing in front of the mirror, looking at the person staring back at him. He was deep in thoughts when he felt two warm hands on his shoulders. "What are you thinking about?" Araya asked softly, her hands still on his shoulders. Team forced a smile. "I was thinking about today" he lied. In reality, he was thinking about Win. If he were honest, for the past few weeks, Win was all he could think about. Win..and his girlfriend. What are they doing right now, while he is talking to Araya, or sitting with Pharm and Manaow? Are they kissing? Are they laughing with each other? Are they making out..are they having sex? He did not want to think about that..especially the last part. Team had always known that Win was a person who likes to flirt, but he really thought, that the way he talked to him..looked at him..touched him..was different, but it seems he was wrong. After all, he was nothing special to him. Not in that way at least. "Stopp thinking about him" Team whispered. "Are you nervous?" Araya said giggling. "Why should I?" Team asked her, knowing what she meant. " is the "big day". Team rolled his eyes. "I don't think it is such a big deal." " don't think meeting your fiancee's parents is a big deal?" "Maybe it would..if I wouldn't already know them" he answered. "That is true. parents really like you. I can't tell you how happy they are for us" Araya smiled and gave Team a kiss on his cheek. "I don't know if they really like me" Team answered unsurely. "How could anybody NOT like you, Team? Well, I think you are just oblivious about that. No wonder you did not realize..that I had a major crush on you since we were children." Team thought about it. Araya was right. He was never really aware of Araya's feelings for him. It took him a long time to realize that she liked him more than like a friend. And it still seemed so unreal to him, that someone like her was interested in someone like him. "Believe me, as long as you are Team, they will love you" Araya tried to encourage him. "Thank you, Araya" Team said while smiling at her.

Win thought about Samiya. He was really happy for her and Wan. They are going to be parents. They are going to be a family, soon. A real family. Wan has always wanted a family. He loved his brothers and he was a good big brother. Even though he was not as smart or hardworking as Win was, he managed to get a good job and more important..he found the love of his life in Samiya and managed to keep her. Win envied him for that. After all those two had been one deserves this happy end more than Wan and Samiya, Win thought. He was happy for them..really..but deep in his heart..he envied them. Because he wanted what they have. The love of his life, in his arms, every night. By his side. Being able to touch them..kiss them..telling this person how much he loves them. But he was not able to, because confessing would not only destroy their friendship but also a relationship, and Win was not the kind of person who does that, especially not to Team.

Win was alone at home. Samiya and Wan were on a date. Today was the special day. It was their anniversary and Samiya had planned to tell Wan about the baby. As Win knows his brother, he would be so happy about that. Win smiled thinking about that. He has always dreamed about being a father and he knew Wan has, too. That was one of the few things those two have in common.

Win hated being alone, especially at the moment, because when he was alone he started thinking too much, especially about a certain person. He did not want that. He did not want to think about Team..or his girlfriend. Whenever he thought about him, he saw those pictures in his head. Pictures of Team making out with his girlfriend. Kissing her, stroking her body, sleeping with her..He couldn't bear it. It was too painful. At moments like this, all Win wanted was to forget. He wanted to forget the enormous pain he felt in his heart. He wanted to forget everything.

Dean and Pharm were sleeping in their bed. Cuddling peacefully, when they got woken up by the sound of Dean's phone. Dean looked at his watch. "Who is calling at..3 pm?" he asked annoyed, even though he knew exactly who it was. "P'Dean?" he heard Pharms sleepy voice. "I am sorry. Win is calling" Dean whispered and smiled at Pharm. "You should pick up. It must be really important if he calls you at 3 in the morning. Maybe something happened" Pharm said. Dean smiled softly and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "You are really too nice. Do you know that?" Pharm rolled his eyes and turned around. "Don't let him wait," he said before he fell asleep again. "Hello? Win? Are you ok? Did something happen?" Dean asked worriedly. "Dean!! What's up my friend?!" Win yelled into the phone. Dean could immediately tell that his friend was more than just a little tipsy. He was totally drunk. "Win? Do you know what time it is?" he asked annoyed. "Yeah, I do. I was just out drinking.." "You go drinking? But it is literally in the middle of the week. Win..are you ok?" Dean asked worriedly. "I am fan...tastic! I haven't felt this good for a long time!" Dean knew that Win was lying to him, but he knew trying to discuss this with a drunk Win was a waste of time..and air. " is 3 in the morning. I was just sleeping minutes ago. Please..whatever you wanted to talk about..can we do that tomorrow?" Dean pleaded. "I just..I am sorry. I just.." Win was stuttering, like he was crying. "Win?! Win?! Are you ok?" Dean asked worriedly. "I am sorry for calling you. I..I.." Win said and ended the call. "Win! Win! What.." before Dean could end the sentence, Win had already hung up. "Damn!" Dean cursed, but when he saw Pharm's worried look, he apologized. "P'Win was totally drunk. And he cried" Pharm stated. "Being away from Team is killing him. And..I don't know how to help him" Dean said. "I don't understand. Win loves Team? And Team loves Win? But..why aren't0 they together? Why does no one of them know?" Pharm asked confused. Dean thought it was about time to tell Pharm everything he knew. "Win loves Team. He is in love with him. Deeply and truly" Dean explained. "But..if he loves him..why did he leave?" Pharm asked. "Does he not know that..does he not know that Team..Please..tell me he knows." Dean was looking at his boyfriend worryingly. "I think, deep in his heart both knew. But..Win is not really known for know..He has always been known to be a player..and Team.." "..has Araya" Pharm ended the sentence. "Is that why P'Win left?" Dean nodded. "He could not stand the thought of Team being with someone else. He couldn't bear seeing him..with his girlfriend." Pharm was shocked about the news. "But..Araya wasn't his girlfriend when Win left!" Dean could not believe what he just heard. "What do you mean?" he asked confused. "Team told us..he was accepting the engagement when Win had already left for New York. Before was just an arranged marriage, by his parents. He does not love Araya. He loves Win. He has always loved Win only!"

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