§ rain, rain, go away §

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Misty woke up with a start.
She'd just had a dream that she was in the wasteland. There were a ton of crabs, krill and one manta. She didn't know what the manta was doing there, but she couldn't find any baby dark dragons. Only full grown ones. The scary ones.
She'd tried talking to them but it seemed like they couldn't hear her. Most scary of all, one of them tried attacking her. But when the dark dragon swooped down, she woke up.

Then Misty remembered she had to go there today.
She grabbed her umbrella, put on her cape, and gave herself a little pep talk; you can do it Misty you can do it. You even stayed up last night studying dark dragon language! You can do it.

Misty still wasn't sure if she could do it. But anyway, she opened her umbrella and stepped outside. It was raining hard in the hidden forest that day, so they should have to stay inside.

Misty had to walk to Amaya's house since flying with an umbrella (edit: bro misty flew with an umbrella in the first chapter like wtf) while it's raining hard could be dangerous. Just then, a drop of rain fell on Misty's cape where it wasn't covered. Her cape stamina went down by one star. That was strange. The rain in the hidden forest was rarely ever so harsh. She shrugged it off, maybe she never noticed it. She tied her cape to the umbrella where it would stay safe and out of the rain.


After a long trek to Amaya's house, Misty collapsed onto the floor.
"What happened?" Amaya asks.
Misty gasps for air
"What happened?"Amaya sits on the floor next to her friend.
"I had to walk, the rain was harsher than it ever has been."Misty says.
Amaya got up and put her cape in the rain. Misty was right. It was harsh.

"Woah, why do my stars go away so quickly?-Could it be-acid rain?"
She keeps murmuring to herself, "No it can't be, it only happens once every 2,000 years."

"What happens once every 2,000 years?" Misty is now sitting upright.

"Acid rain" Amaya gets up and grabs a book about the hidden forest from her bedroom.

She sits down next to Misty and flips to a page that reads; "All about the different types of rain in the hidden forest".
Amaya points to a paragraph about acid rain.
"The rarest type of rain, it can only be see once every 2,000 years, since it happens so rarely, we have little to no information about it".
They both sighed, looking at all the other types of rain that had paragraphs of information except that one.
Amaya closed the book and put it on the floor. "I guess we can't go to the wasteland today."she says.

Misty breathed a sigh of relief, but she still kind of felt like she wanted to go.

They both got up from the floor and sat at the table, researching all they could about acid rain. They found out nothing more than; "Acid rain comes once every 2,000 years...keep it away from your cape..."
Two things they already knew very well.

It looked like the acid rain would remain a mystery...for who knows how long.

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