Stiff chapter 4

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Trigger Warnings: vomit

(Logan and Janus)

     "So, do you feel hungry?" Logan asked, trying to get more info on his eating habits. "No, I haven't felt hungry in a week or so. I forced my self to eat at dinner though because I know its healthy not to. Plus, Patton would charge at me in "Dad Mode" if I didn't." Logan kept scribbling down notes as Janus talked.

     "Although, I would also feel sick and queasy after I ate until I threw it up." Logan took that into account. "Great, do you feel thirsty at all?" Janus shook his head. "Quite the opposite. For a bout 4 days, I have felt like I have been constantly drinking. I could feel the cold rush down my throat and I feel hydrated."

      Logan kept into account everything that Janus was telling him. "From your stand point, do you think you would fall into the category of needed more food because you are human, or eating little to nothing, with you snake side being more dominate?"

     "This is literally all being caused by my snake side, of course that is going to be more prominent." Logan nodded, jotted down some notes and looked up. "Noted." Logan looked at his clip board once more and then looked down at Janus, who was now tangled in his blankets. 

     "I suppose you should be trying to get some rest now. I will leave you too your doings and-" "Wait!" Logan was then interrupted by Janus, who has untangled his arm out of the blanket pile to reach for him. Logan turned and looked at him, giving a confused expression, mostly filled with concern.

     "Logan, I hate saying this out loud, but I dont want to be alone. Can you stay here with me for a bit?" Logan's expression melted into a soft smile as he sat next to Janus' nest of blankets. Following this, Janus moved so that his head was on Logan's lap.

     Logan started by taking off his gloves, his right hand revealing a normal hand and the right one showing scales running down his wrist and fingers. He then took off Janus' hat, placed the gloves inside the hat, and continued motoring his finger by petting Janus' hair. He hair kinda felt stiff, not even like hair, like think pipe cleaners. He reached for his clipboard and took note of that before going back to the stroking motion.

(Virgil and Patton)

     Virgil was thinking of taking Patton back to his room, but his space was right next to Janus' and he thought it would be too much of a risk, especially right now. "Hey Pat, want to go to Roman's room and play dress up?"

     Patton turned around to face Virgil, "That would be fun, but I don't want to go in Roman's room without his permission. " Virgil nodded in agreement before taking out his phone, texting Roman as he tapped his foot. "Hey Princey, what are you up to?" He waited a second before getting a response.

     "I am just sitting by the river bank, Remus is climbing a tree. Why do you ask? Does Patton need help calming down." "No, he is pretty calm, but I was wondering if I could use the clothes in you wardrobe to play dress up with Patton?" "Of course, Fall Out Dweeb, would you care if Remus and I joined you?"

     "Not at all, I am sure Patton would appreciate the company as well." Within the next 30 seconds, the Prince and the Duke rose up from the ground. Remus giggling from behind, "You know how weird it feels to fall from 30 feet in the air?"

     Before any one had the chance to ignore Remus, Patton ran towards him and scooped him up in a hug. "I am so sorry, Remus! Are you hurt at all? Do any of your limbs hurt? Do you have any bruises? Do you feel dizzy?"

     Roman took Patton from behind, "Padre, Remus is fine, he does this stuff all the time." Patton calmed down at the warmth of Roman's arms as he melted into them. "Okay, just let me know if you are hurt." Remus nodded as all of them sunk out to go to the twin's room. 

     "So, will this be just a fun dress up type thing, or are we dressing up to play a game?" Everyone looked at Patton. "You guys could pick, I really dont mind." "Pop Star, we always pick, it is your turn." He pondered for a second, "We could make it a role playing game." Roman flipped his hair back and started pulling out everyone's outfit and accessories as he explained the main plot to everyone, with the three tweaking bits as he talked away.

     This occupied the four of them for a long time, it did such a good job that they forgot about Logan and Janus completely, making dinner and eating dinner in costume, while in character. Even by the time they where all tired, they continued the game while lying on the bed together, tangled in limbs, as they watched The Owl House.

     The fabric irritated Patton's skin, making him remember Janus' scales, making him remember about Janus. "Guys?" Everyone looked up, noticing Patton was out of character, "Yeah, Patton?" Virgil responded. "Do you think Janus is doing okay?" 

     They all looked between each other before Virgil sat up and hugged Patton, "Of course he is. He is in the care of Logan. If he was hurt or needed help, he would not have hesitated to come get us." Patton nodded before yawning and leaning back, snuggling between Roman and Remus who, in his opinion, gave the best snuggles next to Janus.

     For the next half hour, they all where silent as one by one, they all slowly drifted off to sleep. Though they where all calm, Patton could not keep his mind off of Janus. He needed to know if he was going to be okay. 

(exactly 1000 words Woweee)

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