Win tried to call Team at least 40 times, but Team did not answer. He did not want to hear or see anything from Win. Team was laying in his bed the whole day. He made sick and told the school, he was not feeling well. The school said it was ok for him, to take a few days off. Team did not eat or anything. He just laid in his bed and stared at the ceiling of his room. He did not even cry anymore, because he had no tears left. Suddenly, the door of his room opened, and Araya stepped in. "Team? Why did you not call me? Are you feeling better?", she asked. Araya was shocked when she saw Team. His face was puffed and red and his eyes were swollen from all the crying. "Wh..what happened?", Araya asked worriedly. "I don't feel well", Team answered and pulled the blanket over his head. "Is there anything I could do to make you feel better?", Araya asked, but Team only shook his head. "I just want to go back to sleep, he said. "Have you already eaten something?", Araya asked, but Team shook his head. "I am not hungry. And my head hurts. I just wanna sleep", he replied. "YOU are not hungry?! Seems you have changed a lot", Araya tried to joke. "Do you have any medicine?", Araya asked. Team shook his head. "No, I don't think so. But it is not that bad. I think a little sleep will help", he answered. Araya shook her head. "You need to be more responsible. I am gonna go and buy some medicine and something to eat because your fridge is empty. And you are trying to get some sleep until I come back", Araya commended, while scooting Team back into his bed. "Didn't you say, you have an important appointment today?", Team asked worriedly. "Yes. I have a job interview for an internship I've applied for." "See? So don't worry about me. You should concentrate on your interview. I'll be fine", Team said. "My interview is at 5 pm. School goes until 4 pm. After that, I am gonna get your medicine and bring it to you. Don't worry about me", Araya said smiling.

"You are Team's friend, Win. Am I right?", Araya asked, while smiling at Win. Win was shocked, seeing Team's girlfriend here. "Araya", he said surprised. "I am here to get some medicine for Team. He is not feeling well. "Team is sick?", Win asked worriedly. "Yes. Seems like he has a flue or something like that. I hope the medicine will help him", Araya said with a soft smile. Suddenly her phone started ringing. Araya looked at the screen. "Oh, that is important. Please, excuse me for a moment", she said to Win, who nodded in response.

A few minutes later, Araya came back. "Bad news?", Win asked. Araya shook her head, but her face seemed worried. "This was the boss of the internship I applied for. I have an interview today, but the interview has been rescheduled to 4 pm. I need to go. Could you do me a favor?", Araya asked nicely. Win nodded. "Could you please give this to Team? I need to hurry. I am already late. Please, give this to Team", Araya said and handed Win the bag with the medicine. Win looked at the bag in his hands. "I..I am not really sure if Team wants to see me right now", he said, but Araya was too busy, so she did not hear him anymore. "Thank you, Win. And tell Team I am gonna call him after my interview", Araya said, while she went.

Win was standing there with the bag in his hands. In the bag were some pills against headache, stomach ache, and fever. Win frowned when he looked at them. "Team must be really sick", he said worriedly. No matter what happened between them, he still cared about his junior and in order to get well soon, Team needed this medicine. Besides, Win would not be able to sleep tonight, without knowing how Team is, so he decided to pay him a visit, even if he was sure, that he was the last person Team wants to see right now.

Half an hour later, Win was parking in front of Team's house. He got there twenty minutes ago, but Win could not bring himself to step out of the car. So many times, Team visited him in his room. So many times, the boy had slept in his bed. So why couldn't he get out of the car and knock on his door, like Team has done so many times? It took Win another twenty minutes, till he finally got the courage, to get out of the car and knock on Team's door.

Team was dragging himself out of bed to open the door. "Araya, did you forget your key?", Team asked, when he opened the door. He was shocked when he did not see Araya but the blonde senior standing in front of him, looking at him with a concerned look on his face.

"Hi..Hiaa? What are you doing here?", Team asked shocked. Suddenly Team got dizzy and he could no longer keep standing. "Team!" Win was just able to catch Team, before the junior was about to fall to the floor. The older man's arms held him tight and Team clutched his arms around Win's neck as Win picked him up bridal style, laying him on the bed.

"I am so sorry, Hia", Team whined. "What are you sorry for?", Win asked, while he was stroking his hair, which was wet from all the sweat. His voice was soft again. As always, when he speaks to Team, while he is not feeling well. He could not be cold or angry with him when Team was sick. "I am sorry, for making you worry again. There is nothing I can do, but making you worry", Team said with a whiny voice. Win put one hand on Team's hot forehead. "You are really burning, Team. Try to get some sleep", he said tenderly, while sitting on Team's bed. "Please, stay with me. Don't go", Team begged, before he closed his eyes. Win smiled softly. He laid next to Team, like he always does when the younger had one of his nightmares and began stroking Team's cheeks with his left thumb. "I am not gonna leave until you fell asleep. I promise", he whispered against Team's lips and put a kiss on Team's forehead. Team smiled, his eyes closed. "H..i...a..? I...I'm.." Before Team could build a sentence, he'd fallen asleep, with Win still stroking his cheeks. And even though Team felt sick, the sleep he got at this night, was the best he had in a long time.

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