"Farhan! Go and get dressed. The dinner is ready and my friends will be here any minute." Natasha barged into his room with an excited smile and frowned as she saw him laying on the bed, casually. 


"Don't even ask." he groaned whilst sitting properly. 

"Thanks for cleaning the house. Do you need a balm or something?" she gave him a grateful smile whilst worrying about him. 

" Hey! I am not that weak," he said defensively making her chuckle.

"Also, stop saying thanks all time, Nats. We live together and I created this mess as much as you. It's no big deal. I'll change quickly. Wait for me outside." Natasha nodded with a small smile and left the room. 


Farhan hated that Arsalaan and he don't even know why. Maybe because; Natasha was giving him the place which he used to have earlier, the place of her best friend or because of the way Arsalaan looked at her in his boutique. He knew that look very much. It was the type of look a guy gives when he is attracted to someone. 

But he had no idea why that look has bothered him so much on that day. 

"Hey!" Arsalaan greeted Natasha with his charming smile as they opened the door, behind him stood two other people, who Farhan has never met. He smiled at them politely whilst paying no heed to Arsalaan. 

"I thought you'd bail on us or something." said the other guy, behind Arsalaan whilst getting in the house. 

"I did lose the bet. And I stand by my words. The dinner is ready, and I prepared everyone's favourite dishes." Natasha huffed at Fahad Abbasi, who nodded his head with a smug smile. 

"Hi, Alisha." Natasha greeted the girl, who grinned back at her. 

Farhan stood there awkwardly as she made them sit on the sofa, and went on to fetch their drinks from the fridge, the three of them talked among themselves and he walked ahead and sat on the opposite sofa across them. 

"Hey, man! I'm Fahad Abbasi. And you are?" At the same time, Natasha too came there along with their drinks as she served them one by one and then sat beside Farhan. She could see Alisha passing heart eyes to Farhan and that made her want to punch that girl. It was her who started this stupid bet thing all along. And now she freaking lost the bet. 

"I'm Farhan Sheikh." he smiled politely at them. Alisha still hadn't averted her gaze.

It was an everyday thing anyway. Farhan used to get those heart eyes everywhere he went, it was the result of being ridiculously hot and handsome.

Realization strikes upon Arsalaan as he recollected who Farhan was, "wait... You're the same guy who dragged her into your office that day, right?"

Fahad and Alisha passed confused glances to each other.

"You guys live together?" Arsalaan asked as if it was the most stupid thing. Farhan hated this guy more than ever now. Just when they were beginning to forget things and start afresh, he had to come here and remind that memory again.

But Farhan was a douche though. Nothing could change that. 

Natasha smiled nervously as she glanced at the two of them and cleared her throat," well, he is my husband. We ought to live together." 

The three of them had their mouth agape at this news, "YOU GOT MARRIED AND DIDN'T TELL US?" it was Fahad, the overdramatic one of the trio. 

Alisha was disappointed. She thought that he was Natasha's brother or something. 

"Damn, Rehman. I thought you were single." Arsalaan faked hurt making her chuckle. It was meant to be a joke, but it made Farhan clench his fist tightly.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Alisha asked, failing to mask her bitterness. 

"It happened so quickly." Natasha tried hard not to snap at the girl, she wasn't even her friend. But Arsalaan and Fahad's, who has joined her in their group and it was only polite that she at least made that girl her acquaintance. She was grateful to have some company in her college though, so preparing the dinner was nothing.


"Yes, it happened quickly." Farhan placed his hands over her shoulders as if taunting Arsalaan. And gave Natasha one of his rare smiles; which took her breath away.  Their eyes got locked. Charcoal black against green.

She was feeling the whole zoo in her stomach as he eyed her like that, with his beautiful smile plastered on his lips, his hands still on her shoulders. It wasn't an everyday thing that Farhan does these things and it was causing havoc inside her. 

Damn. Why do you have so much effect on me, Farhan?

"Happened quickly, yes." she turned towards her friends, who had teasing smiles on their faces. Except for Alisha. 

"I thought he was a jerk or something, with the way he dragged you that day." Arsalaan chuckled.

"He was- uh, I mean. He is my best friend. We had some differences at that time." Natasha smiled sheepishly, she was almost going to agree that he was a jerk. But then his hold on her shoulder tightened a little bit which made her freeze. Was he planning to kill her or what?

It was official,  Farhan hated this guy.

"Let's have that grand dinner." Alisha interrupted.

Soon everyone was seated at the dining table and Natasha began to serve them with her special dinner. 

"Yum. It smells so good." Fahad exclaimed as she served him with chicken biriyani. 

"And tastes the best! You're such a great cook!" Arsalaan passed his charming smile to Natasha, who blushed at the compliments. 

"But, why are you standing? Sit here." Arsalaan swiftly got up from his seat and took out the empty chair beside him and made her sit on it. 

"I will serve for you." she couldn't argue with that as he was already serving her. People really had such a big misconception about this guy. To everyone, he was cold and arrogant but when he starts to care for you, he cares to his fullest. 

Natasha's cheeks pained from smiling all the time as Fahad complimented her cooking skills continuously and Arsalaan joked along. Alisha was silent the whole time, stealing silent glances at Farhan. 

Everyone enjoyed the dinner, except for Farhan, who clenched his fist, angrily; as he watched that Arsalaan guy smile at Natasha and she too was smiling back at his every stupid joke. And his jokes were not even funny!

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