The Exams/ Enter Kamukura

Start from the beginning

Each person showed off their talents to the judges, hoping to pass the tests set up or them. Each student seemed to pass easily until one girl showed up to have her sweets judged by the judges. Hajime spit his out, saying there was something wrong in it while the others ate theirs. Suddenly the other judges showed signs off food poisoning or laxative effects. Hajime questioned the girl and two more people showed up, a guy with blades hidden in his sleeve and a girl wearing a mask. arguing started and one thing lead to another, a bomb trigger in a bag, a giant dog bursting though the wall, and the girls almost falling onto the trigger. However, I quickly went over and took the trigger before it could be hit, causing the girls to fall onto my feet. I guess I unintentionally activated my scapegoat talent, cause now my feet were crushed. I looked at the giant dog and it sniffed me before it started shrinking down to normal dog size. I frowned and looked around for what the trigger could set off before seeing bomb planted up on the support beams. I opened the bottom of the button and looked over it, thinking over my talents i found one that would help and deactivated the switch without setting off the bombs. With the bombs neutralized I looked over at Jin, understanding what I meant he made an announcement to clear out the area so that the bombs could be properly removed. Soon the area was cleared, the rest of the tests were cancelled while investigation took place. the 3 students that argued were suspended until further notice, the person one who planned it all was let off with a warning because nothing bad actually happened. The students were told to go to their class rooms while the issue is being dealt with. Jin instructed the security team to clear out the bombs while he had to deal with other business. He motioned for me to follow him and I walked by him "Are we going to the classroom now?" he nodded "yes, since you are done testing, it would be best to have you go to the school rather than hide you away." i nod "and what of Hajime, since I'm coming back what will happen with him" "well, after today it would seem that he does have a talent for replacing people without many people noticing. So we will just have to add another desk to the classroom for him." I smile at that "he had a talent and no body even knew about it until now huh?" Jin nods "yes, this does put out some valuable information. Hidden talents will have to be looked into at a later time." I frown and sigh "if you start another human experiment I will stop it" Jin shook his head "don't worry, we wont be doing any more tests like that for the foreseeable future." "good" our conversation ended as we made it to the door of the classroom "I will wait out here while you make an announcement, I'd like to have a dramatic entrance" Jin shook his head "just cause you are the ultimate hope doesn't mean you can have a large ego" "don't worry, my ego wont get too big" Jin sighs and opens the door looking in at Yukizoma "I would like to borrow your classes attention for a moment"  

Chiaki's pov

All of us are sitting in our seats in silence, the exams were cancelled because there were bombs planted where the exams would have taken place. They didn't say who had planted the bombs, only that the person had been dealt with already. Everyone in the class still seemed to be in a bad mood, but now most people were scared. Everything that has been happening recently has been chaotic. Y/n getting hurt and then disappearing, Hajime taking Y/n's place in this class, bombs being planted at our school, Hajime didn't come to school today, and now the principal was in the classroom to tell us something. I can only hope that it is good news, cause I don't think I can handle any more bad things happening right now. 
"As you are all aware, the exams have been cancelled. which means you wont have to take the test until the end of next term. However that is not the news I came to deliver. A few recent events calls for some changes in classroom for you all. But we wont be able to move you until next school year, so until then we will be adding an extra desk here. One of your classmates are currently sitting out until we can add the new desk" Souda speaks up "wait, we are getting another new student?" the principal shook his head "not exactly" I looked up at him, what did he mean by not exactly, if another student is coming to the class and they aren't new...does that mean Y/n is back!? please let it be the case. "Come in now" I looked at the door as someone walked in, They were tall, with long h/c hair, and wore a black suit. I looked into his eyes and stared at him, I felt my eyes water as he looked right back and smiled "Hello guys, how were things while I was gone?" I wanted to run up and hug him, but someone already ran up to him... it was Akane who tried to punch him. Silence was returned to the class as Y/n caught her fist and pushed her back "YOU THINK YOU CAN LEAVE WITHOUT SAYIN' A WORD TO US AND THEN SHOW UP LIKE NOTHIN' HAPPENED!" Akane's yell echoed though the class "What a warm welcome. I expected at least a few more angry people" Y/n looks at the angry Akane with a smile "Let's not destroy the classroom" Ms. Yukizoma stood between him "He's right, you shouldn't be angry. we should all be happy to have him back" Akane huffs and went back to her seat. 

Y/n's pov 

my hand hurt a little from stopping her punch, but the pain left rather quickly. Souda scratched the back of his head "How the hell did your hair grow so much in the few weeks you were gone?" I shrugged "I honestly don't know, It kinda just grew out and I didn't have any time to cut it" Sonia spoke up next "The principal mentioned that you had to leave for family matters, may i inquire as to what what that was?" I figured something like this would happen so I already had a half truth ready "well, there were some issues with my parents, a big fight. I had to go and settle some things down. But long story short I'm no longer Y/n L/n, I'm Y/n Kamukura" Nagito spoke up this time "Isn't that the last name of the founder of this school" I nodded "yeah, things are a little complicated. I'm staying here at the academy because of those things." he seemed to accept that and I walked to my seat. I looked at Chiaki, who seemed like she was going to start crying. I pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to her. She took it and wiped her eyes off before handing it back and giving me quiet thanks. I put it away and focused on the lessons, noticing that Chiaki hadn't stopped staring at me the whole time. When the bell rang signaling a break, I looked over at Chiaki again "Is something wrong?" she shook her head "would you like to play some games with me?" I shrugged "I have nothing else to do" She smiles at me and pulled a hand held out of her bag "here, I wanted to give this one to you when you came back." I smiled and took it "thanks" we then silently started playing games together, the only sound being the sounds made from the games. 



Alright, I've been bored so I've been working on this a lot recently. thank you, my one reader. I noticed that you took the time to spare me a second pity vote. I enjoy typing this even though it hurts my fingers a lot since I am an idiot when it comes to typing. thank you again, I might type another chapter tomorrow, but not likely since I have a lot of thinking to do first. until next chapter, bye.

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