Morning thoughts

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(this is a filler, reminder, fillers are shorter! this will only be a few hundred words long)

Franks POV

waking up I looked down at her and a smile just stretched across my face instantly. waking up next to her, her face buried deep in my chest and her arms around me. she stirred a bit and nuzzled her face against my chest, I rubbed her lower back and looked down at her. her face, when she slept, was always so nice, I mean it was always nice of course but while she slept she looked so unbothered about everything. she didn't look sad, bothered, worried, anything. she was so zen. 

I gently placed my hand on her face and rubbed the side of her cheek, there were times where I thought I could never take my eyes off her, even like right now. 

I knew she wasn't all that happy, she was really struggling right now. it wasn't going to last long between us, as much as I want it too, hell I could even see myself marrying her one day, but she wasn't as happy as I was. I'm not condemning her, I'm not even mad, upset maybe but can I really blame her?  of course not, Rays her one, and that's just how it was meant to be. 

tears stung my eyes at the thought, I gripped her tightly and pulled her as close as she could possibly be without hurting her. 

I didn't wanna let go, I don't want to let go, she made me so happy, I just wish I could make her just as happy. especially right now where she's at such a low, between her mom ill and her being out of a job and struggling with money, I just wish I could be her happy line. but if it's not me, I know it's going to be Ray and that's good enough for me, someone who would treat her just as good if not better then what I could give. 

and it didn't help any that I have to leave tomorrow to go to a pop-up concert at a festival a few counties over. 

I'm sure she doesn't wanna stay all cooped up in her apartment anymore, nor does she wanna go to the studio again, maybe there was something we could all do today.

she deserves a break from everything and just a day of fun for her. 

𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬 (Ray Toro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now