moving day

298 10 32

(Quick Authors note: I'm sorry for some of the chapters being short, they're going to get longer of course, but I want to get chapters out to make up for the sloppy posting schedule. I want to post every Wednesday or Sunday. it all depends, but thank you for sticking with this book, it truly means everything considering this is my baby. you guys are amazing, I love you all so much, mwah) 

"Are you almost ready to go?" you called out from the living room, waiting for Ray to finish packing his stuff so that you could go back to your apartment for the last time and get some stuff. you were only going to take a few clothes, maybe you could message Bert or Gerard to grab all your stuff and just, keep it at one of their places till you came back for it all. it was with great sadness that that was even a thought in your head. you finally found an amazing group of friends and someone who you fell in love with. like, real love. not that puppy love shit. 

"hey can you come back here help me with something real quick?" he called back, you sighed and walked back into the bedroom and looked around, 

"I mean I can help, but it would help me if I knew where you were," you said, as you did you felt his arms wrap around you from the back and lift you up, you gripped his arms as he walked you over to the bed and flopped down on it with you. you laughed a bit and looked at him, 

"what's that about?" you asked as you sat up, he sat up with you and held your hand, 

"you just have been so down lately, I thought you would want a pick me up," your eyes watered a bit but you pushed them down with a smile. you wanted to tell him so badly but there was no way you would be able to. it felt like it would break his heart if you told him you were leaving. you cupped his face and kissed his cheek, 

"I did, so thank you," you said softly, you wrapped your arms around his neck and laid your forehead on his, 

"Can I kiss you?" he asked softly, almost a whisper, you dug your nails into your wrists, you shouldn't. you were leaving soon, there would be no point in trying to rekindle something. but it's like you couldn't say no to him, you gave in and kissed him gently.  his hands wrapped around your waist tightly and leaned his torso up against you, you held his face and deepened the kiss. you really shouldn't, it was false hope to not just him, but to you. you frowned a bit and pulled away and gently petted his face, 

"come on, I still need to get my stuff," you said softly, he nuzzled his face into your hand and held your hand on his face, 

"is something wrong? I mean besides your mom," you tensed up a bit and shook your head no, 

"no, it's just a lot, but other than that everything okay," you said softly, your voice cracking as tears welled to your eye ducts once more. he nodded and got up with you. you hated this. you just wanted to tell him right now, but you couldn't. you grabbed one of his bags, but he bragged it from you. 

"It's just two bags, don't worry about carrying them," you nodded and followed him out of the apartment, closing the door behind you and making sure it was locked. the two of you went into the elevator and went out to the car. you got in the passenger seat as Ray placed his bags in the back seat and got in and drove off to your apartment. 

once you got there you looked at Ray, "ill be right back, I just have a few things to grab, shouldn't belong," 

"Okay, well text me if you need something, ill come up," you nodded and got out and went inside for the last time. there wasn't much you could take, but just a few essentials. you walked upstairs and pulled out your phone and messaged frank first, he could watch mavis, 


hey, Frankie, I need to go to New Jersey for a bit, can you watch her for me? if so just swing by my place whenever my place is always open. 

𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬 (Ray Toro x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon