at peace

205 12 10

you had been living with ray for a few weeks, maybe around a month by now. It's been casual, calming and it was easy to grow adjusted to his lifestyle, he wasn't long until it felt more like the both of your guy's place rather than just his apartment and you were just crashing. despite what Ray would say and how it was both of your guy's place and not just a crashing place. 

when you had broken the news to bert about moving out so soon it was a huge dramatic scene. he tried to turn it into a huge soap opera and how you don't love him and you were just using him, it was a joke sure but it was annoying. it made moving out so much easier. 

but living with Ray has been everything that you hoped, dreamed of, it was just amazing really. he was so much sweeter than what he was originally, and it's just been nice. that's all you could honestly explain it as it was nice. 

now that the album was finished and was getting ready for release, he was able to stay home for a lot of the time, but for you, you haven't been able to spend a lot of nights at home now that you have another job. You got a job at a fancy restaurant, you were a waitress yet again, but this time you were treated properly, you have nice coworkers and management and most importantly you got paid well.

you were able to help ray out with the rent and the bills, despite him not wanting you to help him out. 

Despite Ray being home a lot of the time, he had to leave for tour and signings, he was doing signings around nearby counties here in California. he's been gone for a few weeks, you two had been talking on the phone constantly and sometimes he would be able to use his laptop to skype call you. but being home alone with just mavis has been weird, you've had nowhere to go other than work. you didn't really get out of bed much though, which played a toll on your mental health, but overall you were still doing okay. you were still remotely happy. 

looking around the room, it was so much nicer than your old apartment. everything was nice and almost untouched other than the clothes. maybe because he was never really home because of tours and always being at the studio. you pulled yourself up out of bed and mavis hopped off the bed with you and ran off into the kitchen. 

trudging yourself into the kitchen, you looked at the time on the stove and saw you had been in bed all day, it was already going on 5. which, sleeping in this late and laying in bed was a common thing recently. it wasn't healthy sure but it did feel good. you poured some food into mavis's food bowl and squatted down beside her and petted her as she ate. once she finished you got up and you grabbed your laptop and went over to the couch and sat down, resting the laptop down on the coffee table, and pulled open skype. 

you only had messages from Ray today, usually, you'd have messages from at least Gerard and frank to see how things were going and if you needed anything. They were always looking out for you, it was nice, but today they mustve been busy. which, doesn't surprise you much considering that they were mid tour. 

anyways, you dragged your cursor over to Ray's contact and glanced over his messages, surprisingly he was actually active right now, usually he wasn't active until later in the night. 

Ray Toro
🟢Active Now | 📷 Gallery 

----------------------------------New Messages----------------------------------

Ray - 7:38am
good morning, I hope you slept well. remember to eat and drink water when you wake up 

Ray - 1:50pm 
Last night must've been a long shift if your still asleep, but im glad your getting your rest. i just wanted to let you know that our concert got canceled tonight due to rain, and we actually got hotel rooms so if you wanted to call later im completely free :)

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