the beginning of a new life

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about maybe three days had passed since you fell asleep on call with Ray. when you woke up that morning, you were faced with just a black screen per usual. you were gonna have to break him of his bad habit of not charging his laptop, especially when hes on tour and you cant go with him. you two havent gone on video call in a while actually, hes been really busy with concerts, and to be fair you were busy with work as well. you were working a shit ton of overtime so that you check would be great. 

you had been working so much overtime lately that you barely had time to even text ray. 

you were tired, no exhausted really. your body had felt like it'd been shutting down, but it was okay. it didnt bother you much, and you couldnt tell Ray or anyone in the band about it or else theyd flip, for valid reasons of course. 

but you really needed the overtime, you wanted to be able to pay off Gerard for when he helped you with his loans, and then pay bert a little thank you rent for housing you while you were evicted. and of course, actually paying your landlord back for the money to owe him that you didnt pay for your own actual rent. 

so far you were able to pay off gerard and bert, but you needed to get in some extra hours to make enough to pay back your landlord. 

but your boss caught onto how much overtime you were stealing from others and had enough of it sadly, he told you that he wasnt going to cut you off from it forever, but he wanted the others to have a chance to get their overtime in which was fair, but it didnt work with you well enough considering your plans. he even cut your days a little bit so you didnt work a full 5 day shift. 

today was one of those damned days. 

you had nothing to do. 

you cleaned Ray's apartment the last day that you were off, you had no dishes to wash, Ray has a concert tonight, all you could do is lounge around or sleep. so that's exactly what you did, lounged around and slept. it wasn't until late at night where you finally had enough sleep and weren't tired anymore. you propped yourself up on the couch and turned on the tv and started watching the news, you hated the news but it was the only thing that was on right now, besides late night cartoons would probably be on in a bit. 

you heard the doorbell ring, you went over to the door and pressed the button to speak to whoever rang the bell. nobody ever rang the bell here, maybe it was just a solicitor,

"Hello?" you asked, almost hesitantly actually, you were kinda scared to ask, not knowing who was there was slightly nerve-wracking,

"flower delivery from the members in my chemical-ly romance," said a somewhat deep voice, you squinted and smiled a bit from the mispronunciation of the band name.

"come on up," you said before you unlocked the door. you waited by the door and soon you heard a knock. you opened the door and looked up and saw Ray standing at the door with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. the guy at the other half didnt sound anything like him, nor was he supposed to be home yet, he was still supposed to be gone for another week or so. despite your confusion, your overexcitement took over. your eyes widened at the sight of your significant other, your smile had stretched across your face and you jumped onto him.

wrapping your arms around his neck and pinning your knees to his side. he laughed and wrapped his arms around you tightly and kissed your cheek repeatedly. your eyes watered a bit, you just missed him so much and now he's here again. you nuzzled into him more and gripped him as tight as you humanly could grasp him. he walked inside with you and closed the door with his foot and held you. 

he swayed side to side a bit and rubbed your back as you melted into him, some tears flooded to the surface and soaked his shirt. 

"what are you doing back in town? the tour isnt over yet is it?" you asked, 

𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬 (Ray Toro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now