Chapter Ten

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I awoke rubbing my eyes furiously trying to shrug off the drowsiness I was feeling. Taking a quick glance around the room showed me Ron had probably gone off to breakfast. Last night couldn't have meant anything. We were just tired right? Besides I was only eleven years old, having a boyfriend would be stupid.

Slowly changing into my robes for the last day of school I made my way to the great hall. Ron was eating quite feverishly as Hermionie sat in front looking a bit disgusted. Ron looked to me, syrup on the side of his face, as he smiled warmly waving.

"You've got something on your face there Ronald" I giggled. He quickly wiped it off before I had some eggs and bacon for breakfast. "So...shall we go see if Harry is going to be released" Hermionie spoke as I finished my breakfast nodding.

We all walked side by side about to go down the stairs to the hospital wing when Harry himself greeted us from below. A smile spread across my face. He looked happy to see us.

We all stared at eachother for a few minutes. A comfortable silence had set, all of us grinning at the other before Harry broke it "alright there Ron".

"Alright. You"? Ron questioned. "Alright. Hermionie, Y/n" Harry glances to both of us. "Never better" Hermionie spoke as I added "I guess it's nice that you're back" before we all laughed quietly.

We all spent the day in the common room by ourselves as most had gone outside for the last day. Harry told us everything that happened. How Professor Quirell ended up being Voldemort or something like that. I was a bit confused really.

"Next time we're coming with you Harry and you can't try to change my mind on that" I said as Hermionie and Ron nodded in agreement. "Alright, alright fine" Harry responded with a grin.

Before we knew it Neville ran into the room noting that the end of year feast would be starting.

I sat next to Ron at the table, Hermionie and Harry across from us, just like the first time we sat here. Slytherin banners hung across the ceiling of the great hall. This only confirmed my suspicions we hadn't won. However I didn't let it ruin the feast as we all talked savouring the delicious food in front of us.

Suddenly Dumbledore rises tapping his glass which could only mean he was announcing the winner of the house cup. Ron looked to me nervously as Dumbledore spoke "Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus. In fourth place, Gryffindor with 312 points".

Although this was expected I still looked down disappointed. Knowing that I had lost a good amount of our points didn't help either. Ron frowned patting my shoulder as I glanced to Harry whose face looked glum.

Hufflepuff came in third followed by Ravenclaw in second which could only mean "And in first place with 427 points, Slytherin House" Dumbledore's voice echoed throughout the great hall.

The Slytherin table erupted in applause, Draco smirking to me with a sly smile. I rolled my eyes clapping as slowly as possible. Ron looked like he wanted to punch someone. This made me glad that the clapping died down. He was giving Draco the worst death stare I had seen in my life.

"Yes, yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last minute points to award" Dumbledore suddenly continued making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"To miss Hermionie Granger and Y/n L/n. For the use of cool intellect when others were in great peril. 25 points each". My eyes went wide as the Gryffindor table erupted in applause. Ron lightly patted my shoulder looking proud. All of this praise was making me nervous but all the happier.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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