Chapter Eight

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Your Part
It was a long while later. More of a dreadful time is what it was tho. We all spent most of it worrying for Harry and Voldemort coming back to get him. Not only was there that to worry about but, there was the added stress of studying for end of year exams. As of now Harry, Ron, Hermionie and I were walking through the courtyard on a nice sunny day.

"I've always heard Hogwarts' end of the year exams were frightful, but I found that rather enjoyable" Hermionie said a small smile on her face. We had just finished our exams for the first year and were feeling a bit more relaxed than the usual. "Sometimes I actually think you're crazy Hermionie. That was anything but enjoyable" I responded as she just rolled her eyes. "Yea I agree. You alright there Harry" Ron asked.

"My scar, it keeps burning" Harry said touching his forehead. "It's happened before" Hermionie frowned. "Yea but not like this" Harry added. I put my hand on his shoulder saying "maybe you should see the nurse than" as Ron nodded next to me in agreement. "I think it's a warning. It means dangers coming "Harry said before he groaned once again touching his forehead. Suddenly he ran off towards Hagrids hut muttering "oh of course".

I looked to Ron both of us shrugging before following Harry. "Don't you think it's a bit odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon, and a stranger shows up and just happens to have one" Harry goes on slowing to stop in front of Hagrid who plays a small tune on his flute. "Yea but Harry are you" but he cut me off "I mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets? Why didn't I see it before? Hagrid, who gave you the dragon egg"?

"I don't know. I never saw his face. He kept his hood up" Hagrids voice grumbled. "Well you must have talked to eachother" I added matching Harry's curiosity wanting to know myself who had given Hagrid the egg. "Well he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. Well I said "after Fluffy a dragons gonna be no problem".

Harry pressed on "well did he seem interested in Fluffy"? "Well, of course he was interested in Fluffy! How often do you come across a three headed dog, even if you're in the trade? But I told him. I said, "The trick with any beast is to know how to calm him. Take Fluffy, for example, just play him a bit of music and he falls straight to sleep" Hagrid responded.

We all exchanged looks of realization and shock at what Hagrid has just revealed to us. "I shouldn't have told you that" Hagrid suddenly said looking quite nervous. However we had already began to stalk off not bothering to respond to Hagrids calls of trying to get us back.
All four of us basically forced our way into Professor McGonagoll's classroom as Harry exclaimed rather loudly "We have to see Professor Dumbledore immediately"! To our dismay we were just shot down as McGonagoll told us Dumbledore wasn't there at the moment. "But this is important. Please" I pleaded, Ron adding "We need him".

"It's about the Philosophers Stone" Hermionie burst out. McGonagoll looked to us in shock as Harry went on "someone's going to steal it". "I don't know how you three found out about the stone, but I can assure you it is perfectly well-protected. Now would you go back to your dormitories? Quietly" she snapped at us. We all walked out our heads hanging low.
It only got worse as Proffesor Snape found us in the hall talking of our plan for tonight: to go down the trapdoor and find the Stone. Luckily Snape didn't hear much so we were in the clear.

As of now I sat in the hallway between the Boys and Girls dormitories. I had changed into my grey jumper with black jeans so I was more comfortable for the night. But however comfortable I tried to get, it wouldn't help with the nervousness I was feeling for tonight.

I feel someone sit next to me. My glance lead to Ron wearing a plaid shirt who wasn't looking too confident either. "So...ready for" but he didn't have to finish the sentence. "I don't know. What if Voldemort is back...I've been thinking...what if this is all him and not Snape like Harry says". I could tell Ron cringed at the mention of Voldemort's name as he never could stand people saying it.

Weasleys the One (Ronald WeasleyxReader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang