Seven (1/2)

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          Recording finished, they were ready to get lunch. "So, what do you want to eat?" Eddy asked, trying to get the conversation away from the video as fast as possible. 

          Brett looked over his shoulder at Eddy with a teasing smile, "Wherever you want, I thought you were taking me somewhere."

          The butterflies in Eddy's stomach would have had a heyday at that remark, but fortunately for him, his emotions were drained, and he had no capacity to be nervous. "Fat chance, considering you broke our nice dinner outing," he smirked back. 

          "Oooh, if I had known it was going to be a fancy outing," Brett raised his eyebrows, "I would have reconsidered my decision." 

          Typical Brett, always the play-flirty type. "Well, maybe next time, you won't be so careless," Eddy let his voice drop to a whisper on the last few words, "Where are you going tonight, anyway?" 

          And just like that, their play was gone. They were back to themselves, completely normal. "Just a family thing," Brett replied, sighing, "Came up last minute. They want to get together and eat, like they always do. I didn't want to go, I'd rather spend the day with you, but they were pretty pushy this time, considering I've ditched the last few."

          "I feel that. My family is the same way," Eddy said, his voice understanding, "I try to go to two out of every three gatherings, just enough so  they'll think I want to be there."

          They laughed, and continued taking about family gatherings as they got ready to leave. They were no strangers to each other's family events, of course, being best friends and all. Unfortunately though, they knew that would never be truly family. Brett had hinted about wanting European food for a change, and Eddy happily agreed. 

       When they got to the restaurant, they were quickly escorted to a booth. The restaurant was busy, and they watched the waiters practically running trying to keep everyone happy. Being traditional Asian boys, rarely straying from their home cuisine, Brett and Eddy had some trouble deciding what to eat. The reviews for the restaurant on Google Maps were good though, stating that, 'anything you order here is divine'. What a mercy that was. 

        They finally got their food ordered, and Eddy noticed Brett was looking at him weirdly. "What's up, bro?" He asked, a little worried that Brett might've picked up on his feelings during charades. 

          "Dunno, I'm just thinking," Brett replied, looking very thoughtful. The tone of Brett's voice was strange, though. Eddy knew he was lying. Brett's facial expression changed, and Eddy visibly saw Brett try to push a thought out of his mind. Eddy's stomach sank as his mind whirled around the possibility of what that thought could be.

          "About?" Eddy pressed, his voice dripping with nerves. Why did he let himself sound like that? Why couldn't he have controlled his voice in front of Brett? 

          "Touring," Brett responded matter-of-factly, "I'd like to go touring again, if you ever want to." 

          Eddy's mind quickly unclouded, "If I want to? Brett, I'd love to go touring again!"

Note: Hey guys, iLc-Kæstrel here. I've gotten mad writer's block after I channeled all of my creative energy into last chapter. In my original outline for this story, this chapter and next were supposed to be one chapter uploaded at the same time, but I can't do it. Uploading this now because I'm sorry for leaving you hanging. Go ahead and read Addition 3 to the note at the beginning of the book about these, 'half chapters'. When I complete this book and go through it with the final revisions, all of the half-chapters will be combined. 

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