A note:

777 7 1

Greetings, person who is for some reason about to read this story. Ah, who am I kidding, no one's gonna read this but whatever XD. Just a few points I need to make before we get into this:

* Updates are going to be at random, I am unfortunately a busy person. 

* I've never tried to do any kind of 'good' writing before, please bear with me as I fail throughout this lol.

* There WILL be some smut/angst in here hopefully. I've never written any of that before but I sure as heck like to read it, so I will try my hand. I will mark the chapters at the beginning for those who are skittish to that kind of stuff. (See add. 1)

*There will be no viola jokes in this fanfic. 😆

And yeah, that's about it. I hope you can deal with this nonsense tale I'm about to spin. Good luck! (Some 'additions' will be added to this note so that I don't have to disrupt the story very often with extra little notes.)


Addition 1: For chapters that have scenes important to the overall flow of the story along with the NSFW scene(s), I will format them with a skipped line and '//' at the beginning of the NSFW scene, and '\\' along with another skipped line at the end of the NSFW scene.

Addition 2: This is a work of fiction. I like to base a lot of my writing off of real life events, though. Sometimes, I will bend true events so they will fit my story. Please don't comment things like, "It didn't really happen that way", or, "You got these details wrong". I know that. Some details need to change for my story to flow. 

Addition 3: Writer's block sucks. I'm sure all of the Author-sans out there know the feeling. That being said, when I'm suffering from writer's block and feel bad for not getting a chapter out to you guys, I'm going to be doing what I call a "half-chapter". (Writing half of the chapter, then posting the other half at a later date.) Keep in mind, though, that in the original outline for this book, they are not half-chapters. So, in the final revisions of this book (before I write the sequel if I choose to do that), I will go back and combine the half chapters. You all can decide if you want to read a sequel when the book ends. I have it outlined, but that does not mean I have to write it, lol. It'll be called, 'The Test of Tension' if you guys do want me to write it.

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