"Jim really loves to dance but Dakyung ruined his interest."

Jeongyeon, with a shocked face sees Jina but she quickly recovered her composure asking, "Dakyung? As in Yeo Dakyung? The actress?"

The Princess nodded. "I know Jim will be mad at me but I think you have to know since you pretended to be a girl in BSFF. I know my brother made you do that because of her."

Jeongyeon is puzzled and Jina keeps on feeding her with information about Dakyung and Jimin.

"So you mean, they were a thing?" the bodyguard asked so surprised.

"She was part of the ballet dancers during their middle school and my brother fell in love with her. He was twelve, still healing from the accident."

"Accident?" Jeongyeon's brows are meeting due to curiosity.

"We had a car accident, Jimin was ten, I was thirteen. Our beloved Mom passed away because of that," Jina's eyes turned sad which makes Jeongyeon guilty for asking about it so she apologized, "I am sorry about that," she said looking down.

The Princess then gave her a closed smile and pats her shoulder, "It's not your fault Kyung. Anyway, let me go back to my story. As what I've mentioned, your Master hadn't moved on from what happened but when he saw Dakyung's performance in a ballet recital, he was inspired to live again. He was captivated by her that he enrolled in the ballet class but eventually, he was loving it. He fell in love with dancing yet still, he was in love with her so he courted her. They had a relationship for about five years, I guess, but to make the story short, they broke up because she cheated on him. Jimin lost his interest in dancing but I don't know what happened, one day, he came here teaching the kids the basic of ballet."

Jeongyeon was speechless for a moment. She imagined how the Prince was hurt because of the famous actress. She slowly realizes why Jimin did what he did. "So that's why he kissed me..." Jeongyeon helplessly muttered while staring blankly at a distance.

"He kissed you Kyung?!!" Jina startled her once again.

'Did I say it out loud?' she asked herself covering her mouth.

"Jjinja?!" Jina is close to laughing when Jimin walked to them with Nayeon.

"Yah, What are you two talking about?" Nayeon asked.

Jina immediately replied, "Nothing. About life, anyway, is the session done?"

Jimin got the small towel resting on the bench in between Jina and Jeongyeon. He wipes his sweat while saying, "We have to go."

"Why? It's still early," Jina pulls his shirt.

"Why are you so clingy this time? The last time, you were pushing me away," Jimin creased his forehead while raising a brow.

"Because I missed you Chim," his sister gave him a begging face.

Jeongyeon then remembered her twin through Jina. Kyung would always be the clingy one and she kind of missed the old times. Her twin was always searching and looking for her because her feet cannot stay in one place.

"Yah," Nayeon snapped at her sight. "Kyung."

Jeongyeon went back to herself like waking up in a daydream. She then saw that Jimin is walking away with Jina as they guide the kids out.

She is left here with Nayeon which made her think if she'll start making this girl fall for Kyung. This is her way to repay her twin's kindness and hardships in taking care of such a bratty girl like her.

'What shall I do?' she thought. She then saw another towel on the bench, "You should wipe your sweat," she smiled handing the towel to Nayeon.

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