Ultimate Replacement

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Yukizoma's pov

I had gotten up early and had a nice and healthy breakfast so that I could be ready for my class today. They may be a little bit of a handful sometimes, but my class is the best. I finished up my food and started walking to the school happily, I could hardly wait to see my class again today. I hope that Y/n is feeling better today, it is bad to see how sad everyone looks with how things are right now. I walk up to the school and look at the time, I should be arriving right as the bell rings! I skipped happily down the halls to my class I walk up to the door and hear the bell ring. I take in a deep breath and open the door, cheerfully as always a say "Good morning class!" I look at them expecting to be greeted with a good morning, but everyone looks sad and panicked. I was going to ask what was making everyone so sad and then I saw an empty desk "where is Y/n?" The class seemed to get more down when I said that "we don't know teach, he's gone missing apparently" Souda responded. 

Hajime's pov 

I am sitting in the principal's office in the main campus. He had me stay here for the night while they set up a dorm room for me. I couldn't sleep at all because of all the thoughts flowing though my head. Someone had taken my place for the project and I was going to be taking there place as a student in the main course. I wasn't allowed to talk about what had happened or else I would be expelled and have my memories taken away. I only really met the person once and that was when Chiaki introduced me to them, he called himself the ultimate scapegoat so I guess this is just him honing his talent. I was told that I would be called the Ultimate replacement while Y/n is gone, I'm supposed to replace him so I have to use all the things that he had. His dorm is now my dorm, His desk is now my desk. It feels strange to be replacing someone like this, but thanks to this I can finally live my dream of being an ultimate student, being someone rather than a no one. I would thank him if I could, but i wont be able to until the project is over. I sighed an looked at myself in the mirror, I was wearing the main course uniform but for some reason, it didn't feel like I fit well with it. I frowned and was broke out of my thoughts by the door being opened by the principal. He told me to follow him to the classroom so that he could introduce me to the class. I did as told and walked behind him, the bell rung as we walked but it didn't matter currently since it was my first day. We got to the door and the principal opened it Immediately getting approached by the teacher "Jin it's terrible! one of my students have gone missing!" she said in a panicked tone, I started to feel bad about having to replace him. "I'm well aware of this situation Chisa, just calm down as I have an announcement to make to your class"He said in a calm voice. She nodded and went over to her podium "alright class, the principal is here to make an announcement." She moved out of the way so the principal could use the podium.  I stayed outside as he went in and stood at the podium "I'm sure you all have noticed the absence of Mr. L/n, I'm here to tell you that there is nothing to worry about. He went to me the other day about this matter, notifying me that he wouldn't be able to come to this school for a while due some family matters. Due to his absence, you will all have a new classmate here to replace Mr. L/n. Come on in now" I nodded and walked into the classroom nervously and standing there. "this is Hinata Hajime, he has been given the title Ultimate replacement. Thank you for your time, please treat your new classmate well"  He looked at me before leaving the classroom. I could feel tension in the air aimed at me. The teacher walked up to me and gave a kind smile "w-well, I'm Ms. Yukizoma, your new homeroom teacher, why don't you tell us about yourself?" I swallowed a lump in my throat and nodded slowly "I'm Hinata Hajime, since I have been seen to have very little value I have been a replacement in situation that are potentially hazardous. Since being a replacement isn't much of a talent, they decided that I would stay in the reserve department unless something came up for one of the students and they needed a replacement." Ms. Yukizoma nodded slowly "that sounds very tragic...a-anyways, since there is only one desk open you can go sit where Y/n used to sit...." I nodded and slowly walked over to the desk and sat down, I looked over to see who would be sitting next to me and saw Chiaki, who was staring right at me "Hajime?" I nodded, noticing a sad look in her eyes. She was probably sad about Y/n being replaced by me. I saw tears go down her face and she hugged me suddenly, crying onto me and mumbling apologies. I felt guilt building up inside of me when I heard what she was apologizing about. She thought she was a bad friend because I didn't want to play games with her yesterday. I felt worse and worse as she kept crying onto me, I slowly hugged her back to comfort her. "its okay Chiaki....i should be the one apologizing..." for more than you think......

Y/n's pov

Darkness and silence. that is all i have around me, I don't know how long they have had me in this machine, but I could feel every second of their poking and prodding at my mind. They were trying to erase my memories to fit more talents into my brain, however instead of letting them get rid of my memories, I attached the talents to memories. as long as I have the memories I will have the talents. When they saw what I was doing they stopped trying to erase my memories and just started stuffing my brain with as many talents as they could find in their database, and with each talent hooked to a memory, they couldn't mess with my emotions or they would risk messing up some memories which would also mess with my talents. I wasn't stupid when It came to attaching talents to memories either, each memory would have something to do with the talent so that I would be able to use the talent when I absolutely needed to. They attempted to alter my appearance to make me look more like the perfect person; growing out my hair and changing its color, getting rid of scars and skin tags, and changing my muscle composition to allow me to use athletic skills. After what felt like years, something finally changed in my surroundings. what used to be a temperature that felt like nothing turned cold, and the darkness was slowly chased away by light. It took a few seconds for my eyes to get used to the light, but when they did I was able to see my surroundings. A bright lab filled with scientists and loads of equipment, suddenly I heard clapping as I slowly sat up. I looked over in the direction of the sound and saw an observation deck above, a room filled with what I could assume is the director of this experiment and probably government agents. I frowned and looked in front of me as someone approaches me holding a black suit. The person handed me the clothes and spoke "congratulations, the experiment is now complete. you are the ultimate hope for all of humanity, and thus I gift you the name of our founder Izuru Kamukura" I shook my head "I already have a name, however, I will accept a part of this name." the person frowned "what is it you wish to be called then?" "Y/n........... Y/n Kamukura" 


three chapters in one day, barely pushing in on midnight here. This chapter is shorter than the other ones I've put out today, but probably because I'm not following the plot of any of the episodes for this chapter. In fact, after this chapter I'm going away from the episodes plot so that there is more original stuff to read while still having the plot points of the anime. Meaning some chapters will follow the anime more than others. alright that's all for this chapter. until the next one, bye

Ultimate scapegoat  (DanganRonpa x Male reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant