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Violet POV

'I cannot believe that I just said that to him. But, I am not wrong.' I look back and see people surrounding him. I hear comments about his quirk and if he was just acting. 'Wow, the boy just broke his arm and all you care about is his quirk.' "Either way, he is something special. Just like I said, he has one hell of a quirk." I mutter the last sentence with a slight southern accent that I try to hide. Thanks, Jasper. Everyone turns towards me as I get ready to leave.

"What is your quirk?" 
"How many points did you get?"
"Are you single?"

I am bombards with questions that I do not want to answer, especially that last one. 'Sigh.' "I do not know how many points I had, yes I am single but stay away from me, and privacy please." I answer those few questions while I walk away, leaving a shocked and annoyed crowd. I continue to walk by the green-haired boy on the ground, slightly worried about him. 'I really should get his name.' I see an old lady walk out and- and smooch his arm?! 'Healing quirk by the looks of it, so she probably works here at Yuuei to help out. Obviously, if she has a quirk like that then she is the backbone of the school, so...'

"Recovery Girl..." I mumble quietly, but it seems like she still heard. "That is me dearie. Are you hurt?" She asks. 'Just like a granny!' "Oh no! I was just thinking about your quirk. It is very... interesting to say the least. Yuuei could not possibly dare to hold such wild exams without you here. With such a super factor, it is obvious that you are the backbone to this school and their, well, extreme methods." I start to ramble my thoughts quickly, almost to quickly, as to not take up too much of her time. 'My lord. How could she have thought all of this in such a timely manner?' She looks surprised to say the least as I continue on. "W-Well thank you. What is your name?" She sweat-drops.  "Violet Cullen." I reply quickly as we walk away from the others. 'Oh, a Cullen! What a surprise.' "Well Violet, I hope to see you here at Yuuei Please excuse me." She then exits through the large doors. I look at the time and see that it is past noon.

"Shit, I'm dead!" I mumble. I quickly leave and run through the forest towards my house- nope, scratch that, The Cullens house. It is a hotel/prison cell for me. I see Renesmee outside sitting on Jacob's lap, who is sitting on the chair and hope that she does not see and bother me. Oh, how wrong I am. 'Fuck life.' "Where were you? Out with a man, no doubt. After all, you are a slut and an attention seeking whore." She chuckles as she adjusts herself on her dogs lap. "Where were you? Sucking the mutt?" I reply. "YOU BITCH!" She raised her hand and slaps me. She grabs her dogs leash- oop, sorry, I meant- hand, and runs back inside the house. I sigh and walk the rest of the way. As I get closer to the house, I see Isabella and Edward standing and comforting Renesmee. I am not even on the porch when they, for once, acknowledge me.

"Where were you?" Edward asks me, trying to read my mind. I use my shield that I got from Isabella, the only use for her anyways, so that he cannot read my thoughts, giving me a small headache as he tries again and again to break through. "WHERE WERE YOU?!" He asks me again. I look up, but not at him, no. I look towards the trees to my right, longing for an escape away from this hell. I look over my shoulder to the left and see Edward run at me with his full vampire speed, take note that he is the fastest of the Cullens, and grabs me by the neck, digging his nails in my porcelain white skin which starts to form cracks. He throws me into a nearby tree, knocking it down due to our strength.

Isabella runs at me and grabs me by the arm and threw me at Renesmee and her dog's feet. "Why did you hit Renesmee?!" She screeches. "I did not hit her! I am shocked that for someone who can read minds, you have not seen through her bullshit yet!" If they were not mad then, well they are now. "You, DARE, to call our daughter a liar?! She would never!" Edward says, standing between his wife and demon-spawn of a daughter while the demon sits on her mutt. "You know, I am your daughter too!" I desperately shout at them, venom welling up in my eyes, but never able to fall in this form. "No, you are not. You are a mistake, an outcast. You should not be a Cullen nor be on this damn Earth in general! As I see it, you are a disgrace, a disturbance, a pest. You hold no place in our hearts unlike dear Renesmee." Isabella states.

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