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A Few Days Later ~

I was so excited and relieved when we found out. I could not sleep at all, even in my human form, which Alice insisted that I stay in unless I have to. "Uh, duh Alice" 'I am not like some people who force others to be full vamps.' I think to myself, and it looks like Alice is thinking the same.

"Okay, just making sure! Gosh, I can't believe you made it in! I mean, I do, but, well... Oh well, you know what I mean!" she laughs, and I laugh with her. I haven't laughed like this in years... I love this feeling. 'Why couldn't Alice and Jasper be my parents instead of them...? Maybe I can get adoption papers. Yeah, just where do I get them?'

"Well, the courthouse is a possibility. I'll try to go down there when I can." Alice interrupts my thoughts, bouncing up and down with so much excitement you could feel it back in Forks. "Vision." We both say at the same time, before bursting out laughing. "You should hunt before you go, Vi, just to be safe." Jasper says before going to work. Even though they do not have to, they go to work because they do not want to use any of Carlisle's money, and since I can help Jasper with his bloodlust, he decided to be a history teacher at a middle school. Ha ha, nice one Jazz. "Welp... ONWARD!!!"

~Time Skip to The Mall ~

"Ok, let's go get you some dresses, skirts, etc., then shoes, jewelry. Oh, and...." Alice continues to ramble. "Uhm... Alice? That sounds fun, but those are not my style! Also, I will have to wear a uniform" I laugh. "Oh, okay then! Still, let's go!" She grabs my arm and drags me into like a bazillion stores. "Here, try these on!" " Okay...?"

A few minutes later, I walk out of the dressing room. "Oh my God, you look stunning! Stay right here! I'm going to get another person's opinion." She then walks away before I could say anything. " Wait, Alice!!"

Alice POV

'I'm sorry, Violet! Ha, no I'm not!' I look around and see a mother with her son together. ' There he is!' "Hi. Excuse me, but may you help me and my daughter? We are trying to pick clothes, but we want to get another woman's opinion." I ask the mother. "Oh, of course! I will be glad to help! Izuku, why don't you go look for undergarments while I help." She cheerfully says to her son.

"Oh, actually, if it is all right with both of you, can he help too? Just to get a male's perspective." I asked them both. "O-of course! I can h- help." Her son stutters. 'Ok, cute! He is so right for her!'

"I'm Alice. Alice Hale."

"Inko Midoriya!"

"I-Izuku Midoriya." We all introduce ourselves before seeing Violet pissed.

"Alice! Where did you go? I couldn't find- Oh! I'm so sorry for being rude! I'm Violet Cullen!"

Midoriya POV

'S-So cute!' I look at her outfit and feel myself blush. 

I look away slightly and give her a thumbs up

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I look away slightly and give her a thumbs up. I see her blush too! 'V-Violet, huh? So that's her name! I wonder if she got accepted too?!'

Violet POV

'Finally, she is back!' " Alice! Where did you go?! I could not- Oh! I am so sorry for being rude! I'm Violet Cullen!" I say, clearly embarrassed as I introduce myself, while also mentally cringing at the word Cullen. I look at who Alice brought and I see a mother and her son. I almost choke when I see him. 'From the exams. So that is what she was trying to hide! She knows then!' "Traitor." I mumbled to Alice. I look back at him, taking in his appearance.

He is somewhat short for his age, his round face framed by a short mess of fluffy dark-green hair that sticks up at odd angles, casting noticeably dark shadows onto itself. His eyes are large and somewhat circular, their irises the same green hue as his hair. He has a set of four symmetrical freckles in diamond formations, one on each cheek.

I read his mind since we were just staring at each other. 'S-So cute!' He blushes as do I and we look away from each other, and he gives me a thumbs up. I blush more and hold my breath, my eyes darkening a little. Alice notices and realizes a lot of things, one of them being that he is my blood singer. 

"Thank you so much for your help! I am so sorry that we took up a lot of your time!" Alice says quickly, trying to not sound rude. 

"Oh, it is perfectly fine. Just glad we could help. Come on Izuku, let's go finish shopping for school!" The mother replied while looking at her son. "O-ok mom. B-bye Violet!" 'Izuku, huh? C-cute. Wonder if he got accepted.'

"B-bye Izuku." I stumble out, waving at him. "OMG, you're blushing!" Alice exclaims, and I swear I can hear his mother chuckle with my hearing. "L-lets just go home." I blush even more. 'Why am I blushing?! I've never blushed before. Never!'

~ Time Skip ~

"So, are you ready for tomorrow?" Alice as we finish putting everything in my closet. Jasper was also helping. Rose and Emmett were on their way back from work. Rosalie works a cosmetic line and models. Emmett works at a gym as a personal trainer. If you are wondering about Alice, she works in fashion and also models. Her and Rose work together almost all the time. Everyone's jobs fit them so well.

"Well yes, but actually no. what if people find out? What will they think? What will Izuku think? Wait, what if we are in the same class?! What will he think?!" I continue to ramble, but I slowly start to relax and feel calm. "Thanks." I mumble towards Jasper.

"Let's go hunt before you rest." Alice suggests. We run out into the forest and see a herd of deer.

~ Skip Hunt Cuz I Am Lazy ~

It's almost 3 in the morning. Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper are asleep thanks to a gift I have. I am a sponge, so I can collect gifts that other vampires have and copy them. For all of them to sleep, I cannot. It is perfectly fine to me, but they wish that I get a full night's sleep for tomorrow.

I lay my head down, leaning on the window in my room, looking out into the forest. I can faintly see the lights from cars driving early in the morning. I cannot stop thinking about Midoriya. His short, fluffy hair that sticks up at odd angles. His voice, high pitch when he is nervous but not so hard to where it hurts your ears. And his eyes! His large, emerald green eyes shine bright in the light. I could get lost in them.

'You might be in the same class as me if he was accepted... Oh hell, of course he has been accepted! If not, I'll be very disappointed in the school.' I look at my phone for the time. 4:20AM

I let out a shaky breath and walked out of my room and into the dimly-lit hallway, the only form of light coming from the outside lights shining through the tinted windows that make up 1/3 of the structure. I continue down the hall stopping at Rose and Emmett's room. 'I have to wake them up. Even if they get mad at me.' I hesitate some more, then sigh.' I'll wake them up in an hour. They hunted yesterday.' I walk downstairs and go to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I sit at the counter and lay my head on the cool surface. I start getting drowsy, and my eyelids get heavier until they close, letting them fully rest.

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