"I can't believe Mr. Kane fell for her trap." The one coworker said.

"I know she got pregnant and then forced him to marry her, what a gold-digger." The other co worker laughed.

"You would think that a woman married to a billionaire would dress better." The other one laughed.

"And wouldn't have to work here, but I guess her allowance isn't big enough for her to stop working." The other lady said and they both laughed.

I walked quickly out of the room before they notice I was there, and Denise followed me out.

"What jealous bitches I would have them fired if I were you." Denise was fuming.

"Who are we having fired?" Zach walked up to my desk rubbing his hands.

"NO one is getting fired." I told them.

"Did I miss something?" Zach looked confused.

"The two bitches from the business department were talking about how Lilith trapped Mr. Kane into marrying her." Denise said to Zach then looked at me. "Which is not true, he loves you."

"I see the looks people give me and hear the gossip." I was trying not to cry but my hormones were winning, and I started to cry.

I covered my face with my hands.

"We all know the truth, so don't let the bullshit office gossip bother you." Zach touched my back.

Just then I heard Alexander's office door open and he walked over to me "Let's go out to dinner tonight before we go home."

He didn't realize I was crying because he was looking at his phone. I tried to wipe away the tears before I answered him, so he didn't know I've been crying. "That sounds good."

He looked away from his phone and then at me "What's wrong?" He was concerned.

"It's nothing just hormones." I wiped my nose with a tissue "Where did you want to eat?" I asked him.

He gave Zach an angry look "Why is my wife crying?"

"I didn't make her cry it's the bitches from..." Zach started to say but I interrupted him.

"It's nothing, just office gossip." I reassured him.

"Then tell me this office gossip that made you cry." He was looking around the office pissed.

"It's nothing, really." I put my hand on his hand "I'm starving, where did you want to eat?" I asked him.

"Fuck!" He shouted and everyone looked in our direction "Zach if you don't tell me what the fuck is going on, I will fire you."

"Do not threaten his job, this isn't his fault." I got a little loud with Alexander.

"Some of the woman from the business department were talking about how Lilith trapped you into marriage because she got pregnant. They called her a gold digger." Denise spoke before Zach had a chance to "It's all bullshit."

Alexander got this look on his face like he was about to kill someone. We walked into the middle of the room.

"Listen up everyone I want to make something clear right now. My wife didn't trap me into marriage. She got pregnant because we both wanted children, we love each other and whoever has a problem with that you know where unemployment is because I don't want you working for me. I will fire anyone who I hear gossiping about my fucken life, do you hear me? My wife is the most caring, patient, selfless woman that I know and for her to be called a gold digger is unacceptable and I won't put up with it." I've seen him angry but not like this "If I hear anymore gossip again about this, I will fire you on the spot, you got it! Now get back to work because your boss is still an asshole and now, I'm in a pissed off mood too!" Alexander grabbed my hand "Let's go into my office."

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