8-Aria (EDITED)

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I'm not sure what the three troublemaking men were sitting at the table heavily discussing, other than overhearing Justin say he knows where my mother is. But how everyone quit talking when I entered the room, I know there's more to their discussion that'll most likely upset me once I get one of them to admit what they were talking about behind my back.

And it better be Gunner who tells me because as I stand behind Justin and see the guilty expression on his face as he looks at my brother, it tells me they were talking about something he and I discussed the other day—something I asked Gunner to forget about.

Knowing how Walter doesn't hold anything back and tells me everything, my narrowed eyes wandered away from Gunner and over to Walter. But when I saw the sparkle in his eyes as he innocently stared at me, waiting for my response about the date he wished to take me on, my angered eyes softened.

I'll respond to Walter's request, but first, I want to know why they were talking about my mother and what Justin was in the middle of saying before I interrupted him.

I lowered my hands to my hips and gripped them as I looked back at Gunner, staring intensely into his guilty eyes. "What are you all up to?"

"We're not up to anything," Gunner quickly replied. He looked away from me and over to Walter, extending his hand toward him. "Walter said he wanted to take you out on a date, and I mentioned I could have that arranged. Is there something wrong with that?" he asked, looking back at me.

"No," I hissed, "I have no problem going out with Walter. My problem right now is with you and Justin. You have a guilty look on your face." I paused and looked around Justin's head to see his face, and when I saw him looking at Gunner, I made him aware of what I noticed. "And you look just as guilty as Gunner." I stood. "So somebody at this table better open their mouth and tell me why you were discussing my mother without involving me in the discussion."

Walter looked at Gunner, then at me, pursing his lips.

Ugh... he doesn't want to tell me either.

"Gunner. I told you the other day I've decided not to visit her. She's made it quite clear she doesn't want to see him or me." I scowled, pointing at Justin. Then, I stepped to my brother's side and looked at him with a raised eyebrow while folding my arms against my chest. "Has mom contacted you or something?"

He shook his head. "No. I was just telling them that I would take you if you wanted to see her. I wouldn't mind seeing how she's doing, anyway."

"I'm not going."

"Aria, I think you and I should go see her. I spoke to her doctor a couple of weeks ago, and he mentioned that he placed her on a new medication, claiming it seems to be working better than what he had her on before."

My eyes lowered down to my feet.

It's been about twelve years since I last saw her and nearly twenty years since I last knew her. So if I do decide to give in and see her, I know Gunner would want to come with me, and I'd like for him to go with me to be by my side, but I think this is something Justin and I should do together. Without Nikki. And without Gunner.

I didn't know what to do. I also felt it was something I needed more time to think about. I shrugged my shoulders while looking up, then looked over at Nikki and Wyatt and sighed. I'd love for my mother to meet her grandson, but I don't think it would be good for him to see her just yet because of her state of mind. However, I also feel that she shouldn't see him either. Not until I know she's in a better state of mind.

All eyes were on me—curiously waiting to hear what I'd like to do.

But I couldn't think about anything because of how Justin, Gunner, and Walter put me on the spot.

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