20 -Gunner (EDITED )

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The "oh shit" expression on Justin's face after telling him he'd be taking me to see his father was exactly what I'd expected. The raised eyebrows, the widened eyes, and the look of guilt and shame told me everything I've suspected—he knows exactly where his father lives.

Justin slowly swallowed, then hesitated as he asked, "My father's? You want me to bring you to my father's place? Today?"

"That's right," I said, crossing my arms against my chest while leaning back in my chair. "Today."


"But nothing," I interrupted, unfolding my arms. I didn't want to scare my brother-in-law, but to ensure that he knew I wasn't here to play games with him; my eyes shaped into a dead-serious look as I said, "I'm pretty sure you know where he lives, so when you're finished eating, you're taking me to see him."

Justin's eyes quickly lowered to his near-empty plate. "Does Aria know what you're having me do?"

"No," I sternly admitted, shaking my head. "She knows nothing. Not yet, anyway. I didn't want to say anything about this to her in case I was wrong about what I felt you knew."

Justin let out a long, exasperated breath. Not that he's irritated with me for basically calling him out about what he's known, but more as if he's annoyed with himself. His eyes found mine. "Thanks for not saying anything to Aria. I'd hate to see what she'd do to me if she found out I've known where he's been living."

I chuckled. "Keep worrying about what Aria would do to you. Because eventually, you'll have to tell her you've known where he's been living for however long you've known. Which, by the way, how long have you known his whereabouts, anyway?"

Justin threw his napkin over the plate, then twisted his lips as he looked away from me. "Longer than I'd like to have known," he painfully admitted, then sighed while turning back to look at me. "And before you ask why I hid what I knew from Aria, I'll tell you. It wasn't that I didn't want her knowing; I wanted to protect her—to abstain Aria from having to deal with any more heartache. More than what she had felt since my father left."

I didn't know why I wanted to see their father without Aria coming along, as I didn't know him from Adam, but the longer I sat listening to Justin talking about his father, how it came about on finding where he lived, and the pain in Justin's eyes and voice as he told me everything he knew, the more it came to me as to why I wanted to have words with the man who caused the two closest people in my life so much pain all these years.

And because of Justin opening up to me, I now understand more about why Aria was adamant about becoming who she is today—a boxer. Instead of talking to everyone who loves her about her broken heart, she'd rather use those bottled-up feelings against her challenger inside the ring. I'm also sure that's also the reasoning behind why I've been finding her torturing the heavy bags in the middle of the night these last few weeks.

Knowing what I do now, I'm more than anxious to see Vince—to see if I can get him to fill me in on why he abandoned his children, treating them like they were never born. However, I'm afraid that once I'm face to face with him, I'll have difficulty refraining from showing his face with my fist. But not upset Aria and Justin. I'll do my best to maintain my composure and remain calm.

"Do you realize how pissed Aria will be with the both of us if she found out we visited my father without her?"

I looked away from the window and over at Justin. "I do. But this is something that I feel the need to do. Your father needs to hear from me about what he's done to her and you."

"I can fend for myself, Gunner. Thanks, anyway."

"I know you could. This is just the protective side of me coming out. I also don't care much for people who hurt my family. Once someone hurts the people I care deeply about, it becomes my problem," I informed, repeatedly pointing my finger at my chest. "Although, I still have no idea what I'm going to say to him once I see him," I muttered, looking away from him.

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