Chapter 18- Annoying Black Out

Start from the beginning

"Veda!" I heard Marianna's voice shout.

"In the shower!" I yelled back and regretted it. I grabbed my head and groaned.

'Do you want me to-'

No. I can handle it. I'll be okay.

'Okay. . .'

I finished up my shower and grabbed a towel from the rack. I put it over my hair and got dressed. I wore a pair of navy blue leggings and a white crop top. I usually don't go for crop tops, but today I didn't care. I put on a navy blue throw over to cover up some skin.

I walked out of the bathroom and to 'my' room. Marianna was on my bed with her phone on.

"Hey," I said and took the towel off my hair.

"Damn girl that outfit is hot," Marianna expressed.

"Thanks," I gave her a light smile and brushed my hair.

"Is something wrong?" She put her phone down.

"No, I'm okay."

"You don't have to lie-"

Ring ring.

I picked up my phone and hit answer, "Veda White."

"Honey, it's your mother. What happened?" I looked at Marianna and sighed.

"It happened again."

"What happened? Xavier get in here!"

"Mom calm down. I just had a," I looked at Marianna and frowned in defeat. "panic attack again. That's all. I handled it." I looked over to see Marianna give me the look. I hate when people felt bad for me.

"Was Alpha Gray there to help?" I heard my father ask.

"No dad he wasn't. I was in my room when it happened. It doesn't even matter anymore," I scratched my neck and sat next to Marianna on the bed.

"Like hell, it doesn't matter. How bad was it?" He boomed.

"It was more or less a really bad one. I have a headache so please lower your voice. I mostly called to tell you I may visit sooner than later. I am leaving in a week or two to visit another pack for an alliance. It's cross country so I won't be here for two weeks."

"Don't change the topic. I think I'll have a long talk with Alpha next chance I get. Now the trip. What's the point of a cross country alliance?" My father asked.

"It's Uncle Elias' pack. It's always good to make alliances, Dad. You know the precautions we must make to keep our packs safe. You never know what could happen."

"Oh him. I haven't heard from him in weeks. Tell him if he doesn't call me back I'll kick his ass okay? But don't forget to tell Alfred I love him," I heard my mother speak. I chuckled and agreed.

"When will you becoming?" My father asked.

"I was thinking Monday. I'll only stay a day or two, of course, I believe we leave either Thursday or Friday night."

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