The Final Project

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Warning there will probably be mild swearing in this book.
I was sitting at my workstation in fifth/sixth period block completely zoning out. I had two weeks left of my senior year and senioritis was hitting me hard. Most of my teachers are just giving me busy work till graduation, but not Mr.Darnell. He's still trying to keep us all engaged until the very last day.
"That is so stupid, right Y/N?" My thoughts were interrupted by my work station partner and good friend, Nadia.
"Uh, yeah that's absolutely absurd!" I yell, then I turn to Nadia and whisper "What am I agreeing with?"
"Our partners for our final project are gonna be completely randomized. My 100% in this class is gonna be tarnished if you partner me with random morons." Nadia whined.
"Oh she's right, that's some bullshit"
"Calm down ladies, this project is pass fail. As long as you finish the project your grade is safe. Okay?" Mr.Darnell spoke trying to calm my pissed off friend. She had no rebuttal for him.
"Okay. Let's get you guys into your teams!" He enthused. I'd like to hate how jazzed up he was all the time, but robotics is my favorite class so I let it slide. He grabs a hard hat out of his office filled with little slips of paper with all our names in it.
"Alrighty, on team one we have..." I'm back to zoning out staring at the clock. We're barely even into fifth period and I just want to go home as pass out.
"Aaaand Y/N." I snap out of my thoughts. Shit. "Alright that's all of our teams. You guys can now get into groups." He starts pointing out work stations for groups from one to five. I assume I'm in group five since I was last to be called so I push through the rustling people to get to station five. I look up as the people disperse to their own groups, and my stomach drops when I see him.
"You." I seethe at the boy sitting in front of me. Howard Wimberly and his three goons. Howard is one of those guys who thinks he knows more than you, no matter what you're talking about.
"What about me?" he says disingenuously
"Howard WIMPerly, please tell me I'm at the wrong table." I roll my eyes
"Luckily yes, the reject table is over there." He states while pointing at a table of 3 people.
"If you can hear this over your massively inflated ego, neither of us are cool. We are both losers. For the love of God, please Shut up." He scoffed and motioned for me to leave. I walked to my team's table
"Y/N!" I hear one of the boys in front of me shout.
"Hey... man." I say awkwardly smiling. I know I've been in this class for two periods a day for an entire school year but I don't know many peoples names. I only know Nadia's boyfriend, Thomas.
"Hey, will you grab the grading rubric for us?" Thomas asked politely.
"Sure thing!" I go to grab it and read over it as I walk back to my seat. "Sumo robots" was the name of the project. We review the criteria of our final project. We have to design and code a robot to push another robot out of a ring. We assigned each person their tasks. But not before I asked them all to write their names on the rubric so I'd know who everyone was. Thomas is in charge of designing the robots exterior. Chris is in charge coding attack's and designing the robots actual body. Mohamed is in charge of coding defenses and connecting that to the controller. I'm in charge of taking the on paper designs and putting them into the computer with the right dimensions, and sending it to the 3D printer.
After everyone had our roles we brainstormed ideas for our team name and logo. But before we could come to a decision the final bell rang. I met up with Nadia after class, we discussed our projects on our way to my car. While driving to my house, she turned to me,"So... are the Langston's coming to town this year?" (Idk dreams last name so that's what we're going with)
"Yeah, they're bringing their son this year. Which means I get a summer on my couch while he stays in my room."
"Ew, sweaty nights on a leather couch. That is no fun at all," We both laugh.
"Speaking of unpleasant gross things, I thought I was gonna have to be on a team with Howard for the project today." I laugh again.
"Well Howard is a jerk but... you know it wouldn't have been so bad" she says optimistically.
"I know I know. We're more alike than we'll ever admit, and if we teamed up it could be nice, and blah blah blah, peace and love blah." I mock her.
"No he's a jerk and probably would sabotage the project to spite you. I'm speaking of the eye candy seated at his right hand..." She smirked
"Jake?!? Yeah right, he's so far up Howard's ass that he might as well start paying rent" I wheeze at my own joke.
"Maybe he just needs a pretty girl to lift Howard's evil spell" she giggled. "Come on, I know your totally into him. You should try and talk to him" she says trying to coerce me. I can't help but blush.
"Okay so he's cute, and funny when Howard allows him to speak. But he'll always be connected to Howard in some way. So Thank you, next." We pull up to my house and go straight to my room. I boot up my PC and we get to work on a video game we're making together. It's an escape room game.
After a couple hours of work on the game, we decided to have a sleepover and make some dinner.
As soon as we finished eating we set our alarms for school tomorrow and fell asleep.

Hello! This is my first fan-fiction. Im sorry dream hasn't shown up yet. He's probably gonna show up around chapter three. But do not worry he will be here. Also to clarify some things if you go to school out of the USA or your school just works different:
Senior year- Year 12
Senioritis- a term to describe the loss of motivation between you and your teachers during your senior year.
Block class- a class that takes up two periods next to each other instead of just one period.
Thank so much for reading I appreciate it a lot. Let me know if you don't want to hear swearing in the next chapter. I think it's more realistic for the characters to cuss but also it doesn't add much to the story so I'm chill either way.

A Family Friend From Florida (Dreamwastaken x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now