The Date (Pt. 1)

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     It's been a little over a week since Clay asked me out. Our date is tomorrow night and I'm spending the night at Nadia's to get ready.

     "So where's he taking you?" Nadia asks.

     "Well considering he doesn't know the area, I'm gonna take him to a park for a picnic, then to Seattle Art Museum and then for boba." I say sitting on her floor scrolling through my phone

     "Ooh sounds fun, okay are we doing peel off face masks or... Clay masks" she starts giggling.

     "Your so dumb" I laugh as I chuck a plushie from the floor at her. We spend the rest of the night playing Minecraft on her Xbox, and gossiping about pretty much nothing.

The next morning I wake up in Nadia'a room to her typing something on her computer. "Good morning sleepy head." She says to me stirring.

"Shut the fuck up... what time is it?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"12:30." She says.

"Shit I should start getting ready." I go to by bag and pull out my makeup bag and clothes I packed. I put on a pair of plaid black pants and a maroon tank top, and pull my hair back into a high ponytail. I do some light makeup and head off to the store to get everything for the picnic.

I grab some fruit, some cookies, some stuff for sandwiches and some Arizona tea, then pay for everything and walk out to my car. I put everything into the picnic basket in my trunk and drive home. Then I walk into my house and yell for Clay.

     "Heyyyy what's up y/n?" He says running down the stairs with a big smile on his face. I take a look at him and see he's wearing cargo shorts, a graphic tee-shirt and an open button up with small crabs all over it.

     "What is up with you and these shirts?" I laugh as I grab his button up sleeve. He looks me up and down and blushes.

     "I feel underdressed..." he scratches his neck and laughs.

     "No, you look good." I smile.

    "Wait, give me one second I'm gonna change, okay?" He runs back up the stairs. After a minute he runs back down in black jeans and a white long sleeve shirt, holding a bomber jacket.

     "Aren't you gonna get hot in that?" I ask him.

     "My weather app says is gonna be overcast today. You ready?" You he tilts his head at me.

"Yep!" I turn and walk out the door.

"Wait. wait. wait. I forgot something." He runs up the stairs once again, then back down with his hand behind his back.

"Trying to get your cardio in today?" I laugh at him.

"Sorry, I was grabbing this." He scratches the back of his neck and pulls out a small bouquet of flowers. "My parents had the car all day yesterday, so I made do with some flowers in the park down the street." My heart flutters. I grab his hand and walk him to my car.

We start driving to the park and I feel eyes on me. "Enjoying the view?" I ask as I glance at him.

"Very much so. May I ask where we're going?" He keeps his eyes on me.

"Nope." I keep driving and put on some music until we get to a park. I park the car and walk around to the trunk. Clay hops out of the car and meets me where I start to grab the basket of food and some blankets. I see Clay staring me down with a big smile on his face.

"A picnic?" He asks excitedly.

"Yep." I smile back at him. I struggle to pick up both the blankets and basket.

"Let me help with that." He grabs both with ease and I take notice of his large somewhat toned frame and blush. A small thing I did really see before. He's got an ever bigger smile on his face now. "Where to, m'lady?" I laugh and start walking to the open field as far from the playground with the screaming children as possible. I stand in place for a moment thinking if this was a good spot.

"Here." I grab one of the blankets and lay it out on the grass. I take a deep inhale and enjoy the smell of the dewy grass, feeling somewhat nostalgic. He sets the basket down. I pull some food out for us both.

"I don't know much about you." I say looking around at the trees that line the field.

"Isn't that why we're here?" He asks.

"I suppose so." I peel my gaze from the surroundings and direct it back to him. He looks away from me quickly like he'd been caught, and a red hue dusts across is nose and cheeks. I study is face in the comfortable silence and take notice of his freckles, something we share. I always hated how freckles looked on myself, but on him I can now understand the appeal. I continue to lose myself in thought while I truly look at his face.

"So, what do you want to know?" He asks me.

"What?" I asked, curious of the sudden interrogation.

"You said you didn't know much about me, what do you want to know?" He cocks his head at me.

"What do you want to do for a living now that you're done with high school?"

"Pretty much what I'm already doing, keep being creative and keep producing what I want to." He says.

"How are you gonna make a living though?" I ask him.

"I already am, YouTube and Twitch pay well." He says.

"YouTube? We should watch some of your videos together." I say.

"Really? Only if I get to choose which ones." He laughs.

We continue to eat and talk about everything and pretty nothing at the same time until we finish eating.

Clay lays down and stares up at the sky while I stare longingly at him. "Haha, that cloud is shaped like a dick." I roll my eyes and laugh.

"It's over cast, the whole sky is one big grey cloud."

"One big grey dick." He responds like that's a perfectly normal rebuttal to what I said. He rolls on his side and pats the ground next to him. "C'mere."

I sit next to him and he pats his chest, signaling for me to lie my head down on him. I do so and we look at the big grey dick together. There's a comfortable silence once again.

I feel a raindrop on my face and look over to Clay. The sky immediately opens up and we're being drenched. He closes his eyes and inhales deeply.

"This feels familiar." He chuckles.

A Family Friend From Florida (Dreamwastaken x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now