Staying The Night

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BORDERLINE SMUT WARNING!!!! There isn't any sex in this chapter but it's a bit spicy. There's nothing too valuable to the plot in this chapter. This is just the only thing I felt like I wanted to do with this scene.

"Well... did you maybe wanna." He scratches his neck. "Join me?" He finally spits out.

"Oh? I mean sure." He steps to the side and allows me in. There's a thick tension in there, neither of us know what me stepping in would lead to.

I walk past him and stand in the center of the room not daring to turn back to him. The creek of the door closing catches my breath in my throat. Then the click of the lock quickens my pulse. Cautious foot steps grow closer to me and then stop. I feel the warmth of his hand hover over my shoulder.

Silence wouldn't be a good description of what I hear. Blood rushing to my ears, my pulse and our breath seem to take up the entire room. I reach back to meet the cautious hand but I land on my shoulder. The rustle of the long grey shirt he has on suggests he's retracted into his own bubble. Unable to move to face him I search for words.

"You can touch me." I whisper.

"Oh I can?" He teases. Maybe I didn't find the right words but his response heats my face with embarrassment. My body goes into flight mode and I walk right past him to go out of the room. A big warm hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an embrace. One hang moved from my wrist to the small of my back, the other cupping my face. I might just pass out with blood rushing everywhere but my brain.

"Yes, yes you can" I say as my eyes roll, and face flushes. My hands snaking from his chest to around his neck, fingers tingling with the movement and pulling him in close. He opens his mouth.

"Can I kiss yo-" I crash my lips into his. He slides his hand from my cheek to the back my neck and pulls me in to deepen the kiss, our tongues fighting for dominance. I walk him towards the bed guiding him to lay down, breaking the kiss for just a moment. I straddle him and begin to kiss him more. His hands stay respectably on my lower back while my hands tangle in his hair. I adjust where I'm seated and move down to his lap when he picks me up off of him.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to move this too fast, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable! I thought-" I start rambling.

"It's ok I'm just not feeling very in control of my actions and I don't know if I have the strength to stop if we go any further." He chokes out and grabs a pillow to cover his lap.

"You know... we don't have to stop. We could keep going, if you wanna." I start playing with the hem of the skirt I threw on after my shower. Waiting for a response.

"Do you want to keep going?" He raises his eyebrows at me.

"I wouldn't have offered if I didn't." I look at him and make heavy eye contact with his lustful gaze. Finally seeing how disheveled his hair and clothes had become.

He leaned back in to kiss me, sweeter this time. But I threaded my hand back into his hair deepening the kiss once again. Then pulling his hair earning a quiet groan. I straddle him once again his hands finding their place on my ass, I moaned. "Fuck you're hot" he strained out. I move my hips to grind against his hard lap. He groans again keeping one hand on my ass and one moves to pull my hair.

"Fuck." I moan. He rolled us over to get on top and pauses.

"How are you doing?" He asks propped above me.

"I feel like I'm high right now." He raises an eyebrow.

"Is that a good thing?" He asks with a look of concern.

A Family Friend From Florida (Dreamwastaken x Female Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن