"Thank you, Mr. Kane" Sophia was so happy to hear that.

"Sometimes I come up with brilliant ideas" He winked at me and I rolled my eyes at him while he strolled out the door.

When we went down to the dining room breakfast was already set on the table. Alexander went into the kitchen where the staff was and asked them to make plates for themselves and join us in the dining room. Everyone looked confused sitting at the main table.

"Lilith asked me if it would be alright for all of you to sit at the main table instead of the kitchen table where you normally eat. I told her it was alright for you to join us here if you want to." Alexander grabbed my hand "We also have another announcement Lilith and I are expecting twins."

Everyone clapped and were so excited for us. This might not be a family, but it felt like a family to me. I didn't have a lot of people around me growing up. I was bounced around from foster home to foster home until I was 17 and forced to marry Christian. This felt really nice having everyone sitting around the table eating, talking, and laughing. I want a big family, I want this every day I want our kids to know what a family is supposed to be. I want them to always know they have each other, even when Alexander and I are gone, they will always have a family, and never know what it feels like to be alone.

"Baby are you okay?" Alexander asked me, rubbing my back.

"I always wanted this. I want a big family Alexander." I looked into the eyes of this beautiful man "I want this house filled with kids and laughter. I can see our kids in a pool and pushing each other on the swings in the back yard. I can see them riding their bikes down the road. I can hear them saying goodnight mommy goodnight daddy I love you. I can see you tucking them in and reading them bedtime stories. I can see it all Alexander. Because of you I can see it all." I didn't realize how emotional I was until Alexander wiped the tears from my eyes.

"I can see it too." He kissed my temple and placed his hand on my stomach "It's going to be a beautiful life."

A couple of weeks passed by and the lawyers contacted Alexander about my divorce and the prenup I would be signing before we get married.

"We need to have a meeting with you and Ms. Blackwood in the next couple of days." Mr. Smith was talking to Alexander on speaker so I could hear also.

"How about Thursday we'll meet at the Italian restaurant on 44th st." He spoke into the phone.

"Sounds good. We'll also have the prenuptial agreement for you to look over and sign when you get the chance." Mr. Smith told Alexander.

"That's fine. Lilith and I will look it over in private and get it back to you when we discuss it." Alexander continued "See you Thursday."

"See you Thursday Mr. Kane, Ms. Blackwood." Mr. Smith said then hung up.

"you alright?" Alexander asked me, holding my hand.

"I'm just nervous about this court date" I looked at him "I'm afraid to face him."

"You'll be fine. I hired a bodyguard for you and Damian will be driving you there and then back to the office to me. You'll have your lawyers there and they won't let anything happen to you." He kissed my temple "Don't let him see your fear, don't let him know how much he scares you. He can't hurt you anymore, I won't ever let anything bad happen to you I promise."

"I know you wouldn't let anything bad happen to me." I kissed his knuckles "I trust you always."

"You two better behave in there and stop making mommy throw up" He was talking and rubbing my belly then he looked up at me "How are you feeling?"

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