Taken aback, Harry's face flushed bright red. He knew I was right. "No. I do not. I have Cristina."

Bingo. I hit his breaking point. "Exactly. You just proved my point. She was Louis'. You could see how he looked at her. He loved her. He wasn’t just some best friend. He was there for her, but she didn't like him in that way, and it broke his heart. But he was strong about it. But worse, you stepped into her life and ruined any chance for him. Look at her now. Harry this, Harry that. Not only did you ruin his and her bond, but you ruined your amazing bond you and Lou had."

Harry narrowed his eyes.

"Do you even remember that? You guys were once like brothers, but look at you guys now. Can't even sit in the same room without trying to rip each other's throats out." I paused.

I was beyond angry, my face was boiling up; bright red. I clasped my hands behind my back so that I didn't do anything I would regret. "Do you not see? Are you blind? You go around and steal everyone we love, because, what? Nobody but Harry Styles can be happy?"

"No. That is not what I do. You are wrong. Cristina was only his best-" Harry started.

"No. Don't even try to come up with an excuse. You are a horrible person, Styles. Because, after you get the girl, you get bored. And then what do you do? Oh right, you break her heart even more." I pushed my chair back and stormed out of the cafeteria, leaving Harry sitting there, speechless.

*Harry's POV*

I sat there in the cafeteria, pretending to read my book as I contemplated what had just played out before me.

So, let me get this straight:

Niall just blew up at me. Over what? I think it was Brooklyn. Or maybe it was Cristina… What? I wasn't completely sure. I was more confused over where Niall got all that anger from. How did he become so loud? But yet still even more confused over if was I in love with Brooklyn Higgins. No. I couldn't be. You have Cristina. I repeated it over and over in my head.

Was Niall right? Was it all about me?

My mind was overflowing with thoughts so I stood up, we had bigger problems to face: Brooklyn had just run away and no one knew where she went, let alone that she was gone. Everyone thought that she was having a nice cup of tea with Niall in the cafeteria. But soon, people would be looking for us.

I just hoped that Niall had told someone that Brooklyn was missing.

"Hey, Harreh." I looked up, someone was shaking my shoulder. "Harreh. Get up." Liam.

"You dozed off. It's time to go back to the studio." Liam repeated.

Oh. So I had dozed off and that had been one big nightmare. That meant Niall wasn't angry at me and Brooklyn wasn't MIA. Cue the sighs of relief.

"Harry…" Liam's voice got serious, "Paul's looking for Brooklyn. Do you know where she is?"

WHAT? My mind started to spin. So she was gone. Next thing I knew, I was out cold on the floor.

*Brooklyn's POV*

God. I felt horrible. I had just ran out on Niall and even when he tried to apologize, I just kept running. But now, it was too late to do anything. I already had a plan, and I was going to go through with it. No regrets. What you can't see, can't hurt you right?

I shoved my hand in my pocket and searched for my key to the flat. Pulling it back out, I huffed out a sigh. It wasn't there, because I had left it on the kitchen counter. Inside the flat.

"Guess I'm going to my last resort." I said to no one in particular as I took a bobby pin out of my hair and jiggled it in the key hole.

Bingo. The doorknob turned after a couple of shoves against the door and I found myself lying face flat on the floor. It hurt, but hey, I was in, wasn't I?

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