Chapter 5

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Soon Lux was fast asleep with her small head resting on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her and stroked her arm. "Aww she is so adorable." I whispered quietly to myself.

"You say something?" Paul inquired from the front seat.

"Nah." I responded quickly. I thought for a little while then cleared my throat. "Paul? Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, love. Go right ahead." Paul responded with a quirky smile.

"Um. Sorry if this may be awkward or anything, but what is Lux's relationship to you? Is she your daughter?" I asked blushing profusely.

Paul chuckled. "Haha, no sweetheart. Lux is the daughter of a close family friend. You'll get to meet them soon."

"Oh ok." I ducked my head trying to hide my embarrassment from Paul.

He peeked into the mirror and saw me, "Hey, don't be embarrassed. I haven't talked to you in years. Let me tell you about myself. I have a wife, Clodagh. I'm from Ireland. Oh and I used to be a bodyguard." I could tell Paul was lying from the mischievous look in his eyes. But I also knew that no matter how hard I tried to pry the secret out, I would never be successful. Paul never told secrets until they were meant to be told.

"Heyyy! Tell me the truth!" Well, at least now I can say I had tried. Lux stirred and her eyelids fluttered to reveal her large brown orbs. She yawned, stretching her arms out, and smacking me square in the face. "Oof. Ouchies. Lux dat huwt!" I cooed in a baby voice, much to Lux's amusement. She flashed me a cute smile and giggled while poking my cheek. I grinned goofily at her, making her laugh some more. "She has the cutest laugh ever." I smiled and pinched her cheek. She furrowed her forehead, deep in thought.


"Alright ladies! We are now here!" Paul hopped out of the car and came to open my door. I unbuckled Lux, pulling her out of her car seat. I climbed, cautiously out of the Range Rover, landing lightly on the black asphalt beneath my feet.

Paul took Lux from me, "You'll need your arms free. Just try to keep calm and quiet." He smirked. "You don't want to scare them."

I panicked. Yup, I straight out panicked. "Wait what, who's them?!?!?!" I screamed, grabbing Paul's gigantic hand and shaking it. He just grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"Come along now." He pushed me along the sidewalk towards the front door.

"Shhh, Lux don't tell her anything!" Lux giggled at Paul's goofy behavior. I had never seen Paul like this, he was always so stern looking. Suddenly it hit me. I knew who this strange man was.

He was One Direction's head of security. As in ONE DIRECTION.

Harry Styles.

 Niall Horan.

 Liam Payne.

Louis Tomlinson.

Zayn Malik.

I screamed. Them was ONE DIRECTION! I WAS MEETING ONE DIRECTION! Lux covered her ears and scrunched her face up. Paul clamped a hand over my mouth. "Stop yelling. They hate when their fans fan girl. Even if it is my niece. So chill." Paul pulled a key out of his pocket and stuck it in the key hole, swiftly turning left and shoving the door open to reveal four screaming boys.

"Oh my god! It's gonna kill us!" Zayn screamed as he ran to duck behind a couch located in the center of the room, which I assumed to be a family room.

"Ahhhhhhh! Get it away from me! Get it away from me!" Liam cried as Niall chased after him with a spoon in his hand and a cookie in the other.

"Imm gumma het moo!" Niall chanted at Liam with a mouth full of cookie as he stumbled over a chair landing on top of Harry who was sleeping peacefully despite the ruckus.

"Ooof. What the bloody hell?" Harry's head suddenly snapped up and stared at the wide-eyed Niall who was lying across Harry's stomach holding his cookie up in the air, victorious in managing to keep the cookie safe throughout his flight across the room.

"SUPERMAN TO THE RESCUE!" Louis came charging into the room, ripping his blue striped t-shirt straight off, revealing a Superman shirt.

I burst out laughing.

Lux uncovered her ears, now noticing that I had stopped screaming and now covered her eyes realizing that the boys were making such a mess. She saw Harry and leapt out of Paul's arms and waddled over to Harry, who scooped her up into his arms, stroking her hair tenderly. She sighed happily.

"Come on guys! Look at the mess you made! I leave you all alone for one hour and look at the flat! Its in pieces!" Paul yelled, clearly raging.

I silenced my laugh. Liam stood up and brushed himself off. Zayn stood up from behind the overturned couch. Louis stopped screaming and grabbed his shirt off of Paul's head where it had landed. Niall sat silently on the floor, munching on his cookie, a solemn look in his eyes. Harry sat up and pulled a blanket around his bare torso. I couldn't stop staring at him. Gawd. He had such rock hard abs!

The six guys suddenly burst out laughing.

"What?!?!" I screeched. "Oh shit. I said that out loud didn't I?"

Harry grinned cheekily. I frowned as my cheeks for the third time today flushed red, and started back out the door.

"Love, wait! We didn't get to introduce ourselves!" Niall cried out and grabbed my hand, sending sparks through my arm. I jerked my arm back. Niall's happy grin disappeared and he took a step back.

I stepped back through the threshold, "Let's start this over again." I glanced at Paul who didn't look the least bit happy. "Hi! I'm Brooklyn Higgins! I'm Paul's niece."

Liam stepped forward and took my hand and brought it to his lips, "I am Liam. Very nice to meet you, love."

Louis stood up next and wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug, "Hiya! I'm Louis. I just know we're gonna be best friends!"

Zayn stepped forward and hugged me as well. "Hey there. I'm Zayn."

"The Vain!" Four boys voices chorused.

Harry stood up and pulled a shirt on. "Hello, love. You're very beautiful, you know that?" I blushed as he kissed my cheek.

"AWWWWWWHHH!" Liam and Zayn chorused.

"Baby! But I thought you loved me!" Louis protested. Harry grinned and blew him a kiss.

Niall just stood in the corner pouting. He didn't step forward so I walked towards him. "Hey. I'm Niall." He stuck his hand out awkwardly.

Instead I stood on my tiptoes; he was 5'7" and I was only 5'4", and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry if I upset you." I whispered into his ear.

 Slowly a smile rose back to his face and he hugged me. "It's fine love."

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