15: Twist

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I was thrown up on muscular shoulders.

Suddenly, something inside of me snapped.
I screamed my lungs out. I thrashed my hands. I kicked my legs.

The pain in my heart was unbearable.

'Shhh Se-Ri. Relax.' I heard is voice.

Finally I have gone insane. I am hallucinating.

I felt his hands on the back of my head.

This is getting creepily real now. I was still thrown backwards over someone's shoulder.

"Put me down!" I screamed again.

"You are fine Se-Ri." His voice again.

I started pulling out my hear. I wanted to gouge my ears. Not his voice. Not now, when I have lost him.

I was put down on cold concrete.

I dug my face with my hands. I cannot bear to open my eyes. I don't want to see a world where he doesn't exist.

"Se-Ri. Please", his voice again.

"Nooooo!" I screamed and thrashed around. Someone's arms were constricting me now. I felt like I would choke.

"Open your eyes." His voice commanded.

I whimpered. His voice was stabbing my already shattered heart now. It was clawing it's way inside painfully.

"Leave me alone please." I begged the voice to go away. He left me, his voice would follow soon.

Soft movements pulled my hands away from my face. I was crying still and my eyes were shut tightly.

"Please Se-Ri. Trust me. Please open your eyes."

I shook my head unable to speak anything. My mind was blank from shock, unable to comprehend anything.

Slowly, nimble hands were trying to pry my eyes open.
Am I alive? Or am I in hell? It is hard to tell now.

"Open your eyes."

But this is his voice. If he is with me, this cannot be hell. Maybe I am in a hospital and hallucinating due to medication.
But we were in a warehouse few hours ago, how could I be in a hospital.

Time is a blur. Maybe I am dead. Because no way in hell, both him and me would have survived the gunfight of the warehouse.
His voice is being used to torture me in hell. I am pretty sure now.

Also, I think I have lost my mind too.

"Enough Se-Ri. Open your damn eyes now!" His voice is angry. He never got angry with me.

The shock of this flew open my eyes.

"Did you scold me?" I shrieked.

"I am dead and you are scolding me? How could you?"

"You are not dead Se-Ri. And neither am I. Snap out of this. We are both fine and most importantly, we are together. I would never let anything happen to you."

"I don't believe you. I heard the sniper behind you firing. And I think I might have died soon after."

"You heard a shot and assumed I was dead? I feel insulted now. I was a top level North Korean soldier. I am not so easy to kill."
He smirked after this cocky reply.

My face was still blank. My memory is a mess. Even the thought of loosing him was so much that my mind stopped working and shut itself.

Seeing my confusion, his face softened into a familiar smile.

"I will explain everything my love. Don't you worry now." He kissed the tip of my nose softly.

And I burst into tears again.

I flung my arms around him and cried into his chest. He is alive. We are together. My love is still with me. Unbelievable but true.

He held me tightly in his arms, securing me from everything and keeping me together.


*phew* they're alive!!!!!!

Hello my lovelies!

Our beloved couple is safe and sound!!!!
How Ri Jeong Hyeok managed that, will be revealed in the next chapter.

I will try my best to update soon. The story is almost wrapped up. Just this one loose end has to be tied.

Thanks for reading.
Please leave comments and love 💜

Till then, Stay healthy and take care of yourself and your loved ones. 💜

See you soon my lovelies 💜✨

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