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One of Go Sang-Ah's snipers was shot dead. His cold body was hardly two feet away from mine, his dead eyes staring into the darkness.

We had another killer here.

But who were they?

Were they on our side, since they took out one of Go Sang-Ah's men?

Or were they here to kill us all?

Or maybe to kidnap and forcefully take me back to North Korea? Something that Cho Cheol-kang planned all along.

What if the bullet was meant for someone else and the sniper was the unintended victim?

A million questions stormed in my mind.

Things are getting very out of hand and I am not sure if we would even make out alive from here.

Go Sang-Ah was looking visibly shaken. So one thing's for sure- this is as much a shock for her as it is for us.

"So you did bring in company Ri Jeong Hyeok." Snapped Go Sang-Ah.

"I am saying again. Let Se-Ri go, we can negotiate amongst ourselves." Ri Jeong Hyeok said in his same authoritative tone.

He is still calm. Maybe he knows who this new killer is? At this point I can only guess as I have no information.

"Oh of course I will let Se-Ri go. I will never hurt her. It will defeat my entire purpose."

My head whipped in her direction. What is she taking about? Wasn't hurting me the crux of her plan?

"Fine then it is decided. Se-Ri, leave now. I will meet you at home later." Ri Jeong nodded in my direction.

Before I could protest, Go Sang-Ah snapped, "Not so soon dear sister. See, you will leave from here unscathed. But you have to see the entire play."

"What do you mean?" I said. 

"See dear sister, now that we have company here I will have to rush through a few things. My snipers are already searching for your friend who shot one of us. Meanwhile I will take care of a few things.

When you handed me over to the police, you ruined my entire life Se-Ri. I lost everything and everyone. My position at the company, my family and also my husband. Though he was equally guilty, he decided to leave me alone in lurch. I was in this situation because of him and now I was struggling alone.

That day I decided, I will ruin you Se-Ri.

Now the main problem was how. I do not want to kill you Se-Ri. You do not deserve such am easy death. I want you to suffer as much as I did.

Your money and your company mean nothing to me. I am a dead woman walking I already know. What use is money to me?

No. There is only one way to ruin you, your life and everything about you.

You lover boy- Ri Jeong Hyeok.

So you see, you will walk away from here, but your man won't."
Go Sang-Ah finished her monologue in a deadly tone.

My heart constricted.

Just then a gun was placed on the back of Ri Jeong Hyeok's head.

"If your sniper friend kills anyone, be it me or any other sniper, we will take out Ri Jeong Hyeok as well as you. If you sniper makes no move, your life will be spared Se-Ri. But Ri Jeong Hyeok is not getting out alive either ways and you will stay here to watch him bleed to death.

So what is it going to be? One life instead of two?"

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