Christmas Day

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My eyes bulged and my heart beat quickened. What was going on? Am I hallucinating because of over drinking? I really need to control my alcohol now.
But he was standing here. Holding my hands. Smiling those dimpled smiles which took my breath away every time I saw them.

"What happened Jeong Hyeok? Why are you here? How are you here? Is everything all right back home? Did something happen?" I heard myself speaking though this was definitely not what I wanted to ask.
He laughed.
"Again, I would love to answer all your questions but you need to stop asking me new ones before that."
Nostalgia hit me and I let out a laugh. Of course it is him. That too on Christmas! My love all the way from North Korean came for me again. I hugged him.

"Eat something first. You missed dinner from the looks of your kitchen."
"No I had happy fluids for dinner."
"Drinking beer is not dinner. Have a seat, I made you some of your favourite noodles."
Like a grateful puppy, I hopped up on the chair while he served me his delicious noodles with my favourite hand-dripped coffee.

"Ah! This feels so good!" I said as I slurped the coffee. He rolled his eyes and smiled softly.
"Now tell me everything."

He sat down across me and gave me a soft smile.
"Nothing serious happened Se-Ri."
"But you are not supposed to be here Jeong Hyeok, it is not safe for you!" I shrieked. Why was he being so vague?

"I know that", he sounded a bit wounded. "But I had to see you once to make sure you are safe."

Suddenly, I was very scared. Something was very wrong he was just not admitting it. What if he was in some mortal danger and came to see me one last time? Was he finally defecting from the north? Was his father in danger? My imagination was going wild driving me crazy.

"Please be truthful Jeong Hyeok-ssi. I am stronger than you think. I can handle whatever is going on."

He smiled softly again but it didn't quite touch his eyes. "I know you are strong, but it is my responsibility to keep you safe." He said, while anger danced around in his eyes.

And I realised it at that instant. Thankfully, he was safe but we had a sinister problem again. "Cho Cheol-Gang", I whispered, fear trickling down my spine.

His face was solemn. But I knew in my gut I was right.
"I thought he was dead. The NIA killed him and you saw him die. How is this possible now?" I asked flustered.

"I know. That is what even I thought. He was born on the streets. He had no family or friends. And he died in front of my eyes. But two weeks back, I received a strange package. How that package was smuggled into the North, I have not figured out yet. I will, soon though." He said.

"In that package, there were your pictures for the previous week with the time and your location stamped. Someone has been stalking you and sent it to me as a threat." He stated grimly.

"That is very unlikely Jeong Hyeok. For the last three weeks, I have been very busy with my company. I hardly had any time to venture out alone. We were planning to enlist on KOSDAQ. I only had meetings-"

"With your board of directors, a small dinner party with your family, a cousin's baptism and and your manager's wedding. Am I right?" He asked grimly.

"How is that possible?" I was afraid now. Not just for me but for everyone associated with me - my family and friends, who might be in some danger because apparently a dead man was after me again.

Jeong Hyeok slipped deep in thought. "That is something I don't understand. He is dead."

"Are you here to catch him or whoever is impersonating him?"
His eyes were filled with sadness now and he brushed away my hair from my forehead.

"I will protect you Se-Ri, no matter what happens."

"How did you get here this time?" I enquired.

"I took my father's help. This time we used the diplomatic channels. Trespassing like the last time would have taken me more time since the tunnels are blocked. We have already dealt with the North Korean officials. Your South Korean officials were very understanding. Though the reason for travel has not been disclosed. This has been portrayed as more of a business visit. I came here as a bodyguard of a North Korean Entrepreneur." He smiled at that.

I let out a small laugh. "Hey Jeong Hyeok! You are my bodyguard. You cannot work two jobs at the same time. You have to be with me."

He laughed again. More freely this time. "Yes I know. I will be with you at all times. The Entrepreneur is Seo Dan's mother. You have met her before I think. Her brother is also an military man and my superior. He would be taking care of her. I may have been discharged from the military but whenever duty calls are made, I am expected to be at his service. Though it might be possible my services are not at all needed by them. They are trying to bring in some investments in our country so they will be busy. They are here for a week's trip. I don't really have much time but you don't have to worry about anything. You are safe now since you are within my sight." He finished sweetly.

"Well, you are here so I have nothing else to worry about now. And I also have no work as starting this year, I have given all my employees a winter break. They work so hard so I thought they deserved some paid time off too." I blabbered on. "Oh I almost forgot! How is Seo Dan doing?"

"She married a European citizen and is no longer a North Korean. I haven't heard from her since her wedding in October."

"I hope she finally finds her happiness like we found each other." I sighed.

"She must have. Don't worry. How's your family? Are you all getting along now?", he asked.

"Yes, I have gotten closer to my mom and dad again. I am so happy!" I beamed.
"My older brother and sister-in-law are also fine now that the heir-wars are over. My second older brother is on parole and so is his ex wife. He divorced her while incarcerated. Though we still have met with them on multiple occasions."

He looked a bit confused. "But your father disowned them, right?"

"Oh yes he did. But the cousin who was baptised, they were already set to be the godparents before her birth. So they both came, though , separately. Also, for the family dinner function that we had 2 weeks prior, my ex sister-in-law got wind of it and came all the way to create a scene."

"Se-Ri, I think, maybe, they have something to do with those threats that I received. They were among Cho Cheol-Gang's network. What if they are planning something again?", he asked, looking deep in thought.

"But that doesn't make sense. Why send a package all the way to you in in the North when I am right here. If they wanted to do something to me, they could have easily pulled it off. And they are definitely not together now. My brother hates his ex-wife. He feels she mislead him and caused his downfall. He is trying to turn his life around now and win favours from dad. As for her, her family is quite influential so I doubt she would do something openly and risk being a pariah from her family too. " I said.

"You might be right. But I still have a hunch something is wrong with them. If not your brother, we will have to investigate your ex sister-in-law."

"Don't worry Jeong Hyeok. I am a powerful person here. I will easily hire any agency to find out all the details."

"No, no Se-Ri. It is better to keep this within the two of us. I have a week's time and I will figure out everything.", he smiled to reassure me.

I sighed. Well we will definitely solve this problem together again. But as for now, it is Christmas.

"Thank you for the gift Jeong Hyeok. This is more precious to me than anything else."
"But I haven't given it to you yet?"
"What? There's another gift? I thought you being here for Christmas was my gift!" I laughed out loud again.

"No No! Is this your first time getting a gift from me? I have something else for you", he smiled.

"What? Ooo I'm so excited! What is it?"

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