Enthiaty and Zein pulls me up my seat and they scoot me to themselves. Once again I'm in the middle and I should really be thankful that atleast they don't shovel me out of the picture.

We flock and fitted ourselves in the dance floor. They're in the vibe to dance and I tried to do that with me. I don't have any insecurity when it comes to physical topics so guess what happen next?

" Didn't know you will be that groovin tonight! " Audrey shouted at me since I can't hear her while hoping up and down to flow with the enticing music. I did not notice that Audrey and the rest of the group are here now except Jack and achilles who's still left in our table drinking. Scratch that, jack is the one who's drinking not achilles.

He catch me looking at him since the dancefloor is only a foot step away so I quickly act like I'm rotating my head from either side.

" Oh there he is, come on! " The girl's pulled me once again while Paolo and Ace are left near the spot where we dance they didn't seem to notice we left so I left out their business and put attention to my own.

" There goes our birthday boy!!!! " enthiaty shouted near his ear. I completely forgot that they go to the dancefloor so Zein and I can meet the birthday boy . Though that title doesn't suit him. He's charming and intimidating.

He catch my glance and I'm so shy to even look back at him. Not that I'm crushing on him or something I'm not really comfortable around boys.

" Didn't expect you will brought Eliana with us! " He shouted at us so that we can hear him. I laughed with them and i did not know what to do next, ask him how he knows me and pretend that I didn't really know since everyone around the city knows me?

" And Zein becker! " he now turns to zein and to me and he laughs. He ask us to join him in his private table exclusive only for the VIPs he joked. But I don't take that as a joke as I saw the grand table upstairs flocking with sophisticated chairs right on them. And we're the only one here , the rest of the table and chairs however looks plastic and plain.

He also have someone to ask what we want only to this spot!

" How about you Eliana? " Tither civilly asked me while his arm rested on the arm of the chair looking at me with those green eyes.

" Red Wine please. " And the man who tither ordered quickly goes away after everyone said what they want so soon enough to bring back what we asked for.

I don't want to look so innocent in this party but I neither want to pretend I'm not. I never drink some alcoholic ones which is more than wine since I got used to wine due to going to fancy parties so that's the only thing I'll ordered for tonight no more.

" You're engaged right? " I focused to tither, now making such uncomfortable question to me.

" No. "

" Oh yes, I completely forgot you turned that Aston down. " His smirk is remarkable pretty much teasing.

" I really wished I'm sober tonight, meeting you personally is such an honor. "

" My parents always speak about you, the Aston, Becker, your family again and so on! " He laughed after that and I'm not really sure if he's doing that because he's literally insane, drunk, or trying to died down the raging fire of intensity between all of us.

" If only we're richer than you then we're absolutely married till then, however were fucking no so you can't marry a man who's lower that you because you don't deserve that! " He simply sounds the end words like secretly emphasizing the word "duh"

" I'm not rich, my parents are. "

" Tss, you're. " He defend his side which is also my side.

My parents and the Aston are the richest people in our city, New York. And there's no doubt the news about that issue will die down even if it's month from now. All the people entitled me as a celebrity but I chose not to, they should consider my parents are the celebrity not me.

Zein's parent on the other side, ranked the third one and our friendship before symbolized unity in the city. So when the news about me and luke marrying together it's a top news as both heir of the Evins and Aston will get married together, just effing imagine that, but duh!

" I was shipping you since I saw you two which is a long time ago and why do you even turn him down? God that's Luke Aston so that everyone will know. " Enthiaty joked.

" I agreed, who will even turned luke Aston downed? " Now everyone's agreed except zein who's busy sipping the drink she asked for. And 'i was too busy thinking about that issue that I didn't seem to notice the drinks we ask is already here!

" Eliana Evins does. " I said nodding at the four of them.

" Only Eliana can do that. " Audrey now added.

" Can we please changed the subject? " I asked them so that this conversation will died down. It's comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time I'm confused.

Tither looked at me with his green eyes but I can't see the spark I saw to achilles eye's. It was surreal and different. And why the hell am I even thinking about him?!

" If I was richer than your family, will you marry me Eliana? " I almost choked at the drink I'm currently sipping with. I already asked to change the subject and we're still talking about it.

" Why will she marry you? " Achilles spoked now sitting near me. His eyes are directly on mine and I shiver.

" Then I will do the same like how I did it to Luke. "  Tither scoffed before drinking. His eyes are sleepy and the alcohol must be the reason why this conversation keeps happening.

" Excuse me. " I excuse myself because I wanted to chill off first. I check my phone and it's already 11:56, shoot it's already midnight? Gosh that was short.

Before I go to the opposite way I turned back to tither's VIP table and I'm glad they're still there.

" Zein drived me home. " I desperately asked her feeling a little disappointed for myself that I didn't bother to bring my own and just tried to follow the address here, not being brought up by enthiaty. I'm not really thinking argh!

Unfortunately for me, Zein is half asleep already at the pace of closing her eyes to doze off like enthiaty who promised me earlier she won't leave me at the party. Audrey on the other hand was nowhere to found. But tither gets up to his seat while walking drunk and laughing.

Paolo, ace, and jack is somewhere out here in this mansion but I don't want to bother them and I don't have the courage to go home with them, I can't just trust them.

I was left standing on this VIP table with achilles. I crossed my hand in my shoulders and purposely wanted to walk home but it isn't safe since it's midnight and I'm wearing a dress, if I will get harassed tonight they will just excuse it's because of the time and what I'm wearing, a little fucked up opinion of them.

" I'll drive you home. " He said it as his finality and I was left with no other option. Really I'm going home with him? Basically driving me home not going home since we're not living together as if.

He put a jacket on me as we head outside. The midnight wind welcoming my shivering porcelain skin. Making my skin have goosebumps. His jacket smells like him. Smells like summer. Warm and soothing in short for me I feel exactly safe.

" It's cold, don't remove it. " He ordered before I even turn back his jacket to him.

" Zein and the others, what are we gonna do about them, leave them here? " I wanted to check if they will be safe tonight. Or atleast put them in beds which ofcourse this mansion have in a multiple guest room.

" There are maids there Eliana, don't worry about it. "

" Can we just head back inside? " Now pleading for him to agree. Even though that idea is horrible since if that will be true we need to snootch with a flock of drunken teenager inside again. I'm sleepy  and I'm too tired for that.

" Just get in the car. " His expensive car is here now. The one I ride with on the first day. My mind is too clouded that I forgotten we were walking in the parking.

He open the door for me. First is that I admire his chivalrous. A new characteristic I see in him. Deep in him. And though I wanted to ravel more I need to be easy and wait for him to reveal it himself.

I get inside the car before I changed my mind.

Odd Deceits ( Ongoing Story )Where stories live. Discover now