13 | gang's all here

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chapter thirteen
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┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐chapter thirteen GANG'S ALL HERE└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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WHAT DO YOU DO when you feel like the world is falling apart beneath you? Graham and Lena emerge from the shadows beside her bed, whole and intact, but they may as well have never landed on solid ground. Lena feels like she's falling. It's as if someone had shoved her off the top of the old Avengers Tower, but instead of smacking onto the pavement below, she remains weightless forever. She's never felt so aware of her heart thudding in her chest and the blood roaring in her veins like gasoline and yet still feeling like she's not even inside of her own body.

Graham's head instantly turns upon hearing her labored breaths. Though his own face is stricken with shock at what they'd just seen on the bridge, his expression morphs into one of worry as soon as he notices the rapid rising and falling of her chest.

"Hey—" he tries to tell her, but Lena swallows, holding up a hand to stop him.

"I'm fine," she chokes out, all but forcing herself to measure out her breaths and prevent the tide of panic she can feel rushing toward her, ready to crash into the shore and send her spiraling. This is the second one today. Has it only been a mere few hours since Beck had helped her through her last attack?

Five things you can see. It had worked, but now she can't even process three before she feels a bomb of emotions explode inside of her. How could he do this? What does this mean for their mission? Was everything a lie?

Lena allows herself to acknowledge these questions before envisioning a safe in her mind. Then she shoves all of them away and locks the door with a key, storing them away for a time when she can adequately process them. For now, she needs her head on straight so she can think logically.

Graham's eyes trail over her face as her attack subsides. A moment later, she expels a deep breath from her mouth and looks up at him.

"We have to tell Fury," she says.

He nods, a trillion things swimming in his own eyes as he replies, "I know. He's on his way to Berlin right now."

It's beyond late. Lena knows that running on no sleep is dangerous for her health and especially her powers, but they don't have time to rest. Not when Fury is bringing a fraud to the Berlin Europol office.

Acting on a whim, Lena pulls out her phone and goes to her missed calls. The one from Nick Fury's unknown number seems to jump out at her. She presses it, but by the time she brings it to her ear, an automated voice informs her, "The number you have dialed has not been recognized."

She sighs and hangs up, wondering why she even thought that would work. Fury is the most secretive person on the planet; of course he would change his number.

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