8 | get otto your mind

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chapter eight
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┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐chapter eightGET OTTO YOUR MIND└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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PETER IS ON A mission. In an effort to change the minds of MIT's Admissions Committee, he'd asked Flash about to whom he should plead his case. Lena and Graham have to tackle Cornell and Juilliard's teams later, because Peter's best chance at getting into MIT is about to leave the city on an airplane.

After he hangs up on Flash, Peter whirls toward Graham. "Can you shadow travel us to Happy's place?"

Graham blinks. "What? Peter, he just said she's going to the airport."

"I know, but if I'm gonna talk to the assistant vice chancellor of MIT, I don't wanna be wearing a flannel jacket and jeans."

"Good point." The taller boy grabs both of them by the crooks of their elbows, causing Lena's stomach to do a knowing flip. "Hang on tight."

They're sucked into the shadows. Nothing exists but darkness and the nauseating sensation of movement at breakneck speed, along with a faint pressure where Graham holds onto her. Then, just as quickly, they pop out into Happy's living room, causing Mrs. Seager to scream and launch a file full of papers into the air.

"Sorry, mom," Graham says, quickly stooping down to help clean up the mess.

"No, it's okay," she sighs as she snatches a falling paper out of mid-air. Tired lines permeate her pale face. "I'm just not used to that trick, yet. Or any of this, for that matter." Mrs. Seager turns toward her two younger sons who are doing homework at the kitchen table. "There's nothing I need to know about you two, right? You didn't gain any superpowers when you absorbed your triplet in the womb?"

Max's pen clatters out of his hands. "When we WHAT?"

Peter bursts out of the spare bedroom, dressed in a gray suit jacket, dress pants, and a blue shirt with a matching striped tie. Lena hadn't even seen him leave to change. Sometimes she forgets that he can move faster than the average human.

"Here," he says, tossing Graham's Specter suit at him and Lena's Havoc's stuff at her.

"What's this for?" Graham questions.

"You guys are coming with me," Peter replies in a 'duh' tone. "I want you in the shadows in case something goes wrong. The spell didn't work, so people are still going to recognize me."

"What spell?" Mrs. Seager questions, her brow furrowed in suspicion.

"I can't believe we ate our sibling," Owen mumbles miserably.

Lena's heart sinks as she realizes that Peter is right— the spell hadn't worked. Flash had still known that Peter was Spider-Man. Now they have a sorcerer who's angry at them on top of their myriad of issues.

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