14 | the girl who drowned

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chapter fourteen
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┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐chapter fourteen THE GIRL WHO DROWNED└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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+ trigger warning: somewhat graphic descriptions of death and corpses.

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LENA'S SCREAM PIERCES THE air the instant that Graham collapses to the floor, motionless, mouth parted in shock and frozen forever as the light leaves his widened eyes. She feels her entire world come crumbling apart while she moves toward him so slowly it's like time has stopped. Her knees slam onto the concrete beside him, but when she reaches out to touch him, he's overtaken with blue pixels and disappears from sight.

"No—" she chokes out, slapping her hand down where his body just laid, only to be met with the sharp sting of concrete against her palm. Heart crashing against her ribcage, she whirls around to see if he's elsewhere in the room, only to be met with emptiness. Peter and Fury are gone.

"Graham?" she calls, voice raw with confusion and sheer panic as her eyes whiz around frantically. "Peter?"

The drone shoots at her. Lena is quick this time, forming a shield with one hand and blasting energy at the machine with her other. It explodes on impact, only for another to come firing in her direction from thin air. She ducks into a roll and produces a force field around herself as she sprints out of the room. She doesn't even know where to go, only aware that she has to get out, out, out and find her damn friends.

Lena throws herself onto a staircase. It ends up being an illusion, disappearing beneath her weight and causing her heart to drop as she plummets for several stories. Her limbs flail around her for a moment before she gathers her bearings, shooting energy from her feet to prevent her from crashing to certain death. A fleet of white and green drones soars from the level she was on. Bullets explode from them, one narrowly scraping her shoulder and causing her to hiss. She uses her palms to shoot right back, covering her face from the shrapnel, sparks, and ash that rain down on her as they combust with an earth-shattering boom.

"Really, Lena?" Beck's voice taunts from somewhere she can't see. It echoes like it's surrounding her, twisting around her mind like a python that's squeezing its prey too tightly. "I thought we had a bond, you know. And then you go and betray me like this?"

"I wouldn't have to if you weren't such an asshole!" she exclaims, whirling around in mid-air with the jets still coming from her feet. The building appears to be completely empty. "Where are my friends?"

"Isn't that the million-dollar question?" he asks, appearing in full costume one floor below her. Lena doesn't hesitate before blasting him with a stream of energy. His figure dissolves as it hits him, destroying nothing but air and the wall that her powers end up striking.

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