"I'm gonna give your brother 365 days to come and get you." He whispered in my ear, I shivered when his hot breath tickles the sensitive skin of my neck.

"sounds good?" He asked.

I got frozen in my place by his deep husky voice.

"If he succeeds then you're free to go but if he doesn't you'll both gonna have to die baby girl." He finished

My heartbeat quicken at his last words, slight fear coursing through my body by his promising words.

He slowly moved away from me still staring into my eyes.


It's been four days since I've been kidnapped and I'm locked up since then, in the same room I woke up in on my first day here.

After threading me, my kidnapper whose name I still don't know yet left that day giving me a strict warning to stay in my room until he asks me to come out or else there would be consequences and I haven't seen him after that day.

A maid name Alice beings me food every day, she is in her sixty's and she is really nice, she also bought me some new clothes on my first day here and I'm really grateful for that.

They didn't give me my phone back, they told me to entertain myself by watching tv or reading books they gave me since I can't get out of my room at all.

I don't know why my kidnapper is treating me like a guest not like a hostage but I'm okay with this as look as they don't throw me in a cold, dark basement.

I don't know who this guy is and what was his motive to kidnap me.

I just hope my brother finds me somehow before this year ends because I don't wanna know, what this guy is capable of.

His threads sure do sounds promising.

I wasn't someone who gets scared by some mare kidnapping like this because I know how powerful our and my cousin brother youngi's gang is, they can easily find me but I don't know what's taking them so long.

My father always used to tell me that in this lifestyle, I would never be safe, I would always have to be careful and fearless no matter what situation I was in but what scared me that day when my kidnapped talk about my brother is how my kidnapper happens to know so much about my brother.

Nobody knew about my brother and who he was before the party where he was announced as the next the leader of our gang. Everyone who came to the party that day thought it would be namjoon taking my father's place. Everyone was surprised to know that my father had another child. My father was hiding my brother since he was born because he knew that my brother was gonna take his place someday.

My brother had stayed with my grandmother most of his teen years in deagu he came back to Seoul after finishing his high school and finished his college here, my father let my brother opened the library after his graduation, where I worked with him.

My father was letting my brother do his dream job until he had to take his place as the next leader.

My father used to stay in Busan and handle his work from there, away from my brother so people won't know about him, until he came back two weeks before his death, for some business in Seoul.

I know everyone knows about my brother now but I know for sure this guy wasn't there at the party that day, there might be someone who told him about my brother since my kidnapper looks like some mafia leader himself and news around us spread like a wildfire but that doesn't explain why he wants to kill someone he didn't know exits until a week ago.

There must be some serious reason he wants to kill both me and my brother and I have to find that reason out no Matter how.

I stood up from the bed I was sitting on and start walking toward the big window closed with light pink curtains, blocking the moonlight from entering the room.

I opened the curtains once I reach the window letting the moonlight enter the dimly lit room. I look down at the ground, it looks too high for me to jump and escape from here without any serious injuries and from last four days I was thinking the same thing, how to escape from here, every day the same thought comes into my mind that I should try to jump out this window and every time I back out because I don't want to end up either dead or seriously injured.

So I decided to just sleep every night to escape from all my negative thoughts, I don't why but I'm always tired this last few days. I think my negative thoughts are taking a troll on my body.

Just like every night, I decided to sleep, so I can stop thinking for some hours and give my mind some break

So I walk back toward the bed and I was just gonna get into the bed when the door to my bedroom bust open and came in the person I never expected to see here.

Sorry for updating after a whole ass month but my mind was a mess and I couldn't focus on writing. I lost all my motivation and I was feeling really down but I didn't want to disappoint the few readers I have, so I came back to finish this story.

I will try my best to finish this as soon as I can.

Thank you guys for reading my story and giving me a chance.

I love you all💜

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