The bitch can fight

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I really hate my life sometimes.

After dropping hoseok off to the airport I was leaving back to go home when our car shut down in the middle of nowhere.

I don't know where are we because when I looked out the window I didn't recognize the place at all, no sign can tell what place is this either.

The driver told me to stay in, while he goes check what was wrong with our car.

So here I am bored out of mind from the last thirty minutes waiting for that stupid driver to do something about the car before I lost my mind.

My phone is dead because I forgot to charge in it this evening so I have nothing to pass my time.

Deciding that I had enough of waiting here. I got out of my car walking at the front where Marco is trying to fix the car.

"Hey Marco, did you found out what's the problem, I'm tired of waiting now," I said leaning against the side of the car.

He looked up at me for a second, before looking down at the car frowning at it, "I don't know what's wrong with it, I don't see any problem in here, I don't know why the car shut down so suddenly it was working perfectly fine this morning." he explained.

"Oh, Then did call a mechanic or someone who could help with this?" I asked

He nods his head opening his mouth to say something before his phone ring cut him off.

He picked up his phone gesturing me to wait for a second. I nod my head looking around me.

This place looks kinda creepy there are some abandoned buildings, most of them look like some factories or warehouses.

I just want to go home any sleep away this awful day but here I am stuck in this creepy place with my stupid driver who doesn't even know how to fix a damn car.

I don't know why my brother trusted him to protect me when he can't even fix a car.

I think I have to do something on my own now I can't just wait here for a mechanic or someone else to come to help us any longer.

There are no lights around us except for a street light or two but I can see some light of buildings in the distance maybe there is a main road.

if I walk to that place maybe I can find a taxi or some help.

Deciding that I'm gonna go find some help on my own. I turn to inform Marco that I'm going but when I saw him lying on the ground, blood flowing out of his head and into the concrete road, I felt my heart drop, fear creeps up my spine when I saw a knife in his stomach his black suit shooked in his blood.

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