"Momma.....who they?" She whispered to me pointing at the couple in front of us.

"Nobody you need to worry about right now, honey. How about we go see daddy now? He's going through Lily girl withdrawals." She giggled as i tickled her belly and then turned to push the cart away. I'm not even getting into who Colby is with her right now. When she's older and can understand what's going on then i will tell her and let her make her own decisions on whether or not she wants Colby apart of her life. But right now she's too young and i don't want to confuse her.

"Wow.... You're a real piece of shit for keeping that baby away from her real father. You should be so proud of yourself." Bitchface called from behind me. I turned around and glared at her.

"Lily, honey, stand here with the cart real quick, and don't move okay?" I told her gently without taking my eyes off of this bitch.

"Okay, mommy!" I set her down and had her hold onto the cart. I walked a few steps towards this bitch and Colby but was still close by in case i needed to get to Lily.

"I am really proud of myself, you wanna know why?" I said glaring at her. "Because i have a man that thinks the sun rises and sets on that little girl, i have a man that would give up his life in a second for that little girl, who loves her as if she is his own. He's been the father figure she's needed since we got together. He's kind, and protective, and i know that she's in good hands when she's with him. I don't have to worry about looking away for two seconds and because he isn't watching her she gets into something she isn't supposed to that could hurt her. I'm not constantly scared that he is going to get shitfaced drunk and nearly beat her to death... So, yes, i am proud of myself. Because i am doing what is best for MY daughter, i am keeping her safe, and making sure everyday she knows how much she's loved. You can call me what you want, you can continue thinking what you want, but unless you know what really happened or why i'm doing what i'm doing, i suggest you keep your fucking mouth shut!" I felt like i was going to explode right now, i don't know who this woman thinks she is. She knows nothing about me, she knows nothing about what happened.

I looked back at Lily and saw she was singing to herself and playing with the seat strap. I smiled at my little girl softly and then turned my attention back to my ex and his wife.

"Colby, you really need to re-evaluate what you deserve in life, because you just keep trading in one toxic person for the next, and i hope for your sake you can break the cycle before it pulls you down a path you don't want to be on. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to have a good life, you deserve a pure love. I hope you find a girl that will be good for you one day, and i hope to God you find her before it's too late..." I gave him a weak smile and then walked off and picked Lily back up, i carried her as i pushed the cart to check out.

I feel horrible for him, i really do. He trades in one toxic and manipulative person for the next, it's like he's afraid of having something good. I really really do hope he can break the cycle before it's too late. And he is going to have to be the one to do it, he's going to have to be the one to want to do it. Because every single person in his life can try to get him help, but until he sees that he needs it, and that he needs to cut the toxic out of his life he's never going to be able to grow and move on with his life, or find a good real love with a woman that will be amazing for him.

-At the hospital-

"Daddy! I got you nacks!" Lily cheered as we walked into his office.

"You did?! Thank you, princess." Lily dug through the bag and got out his snacks and then her own and they sat down at his desk and started eating their snacks together. This is also the routine. They always have snack time together.

I sat down in the chair in front of the desk and started rubbing my belly with one hand and closed my eyes, deep in thought. I'm still agitated from my encounter at the store, and i'm trying to calm my emotions down.

"You alright, babe?" Ashton asked his voice dripping concern.

"Yeah, just frustrated..." I sighed.

"Why what's wrong?" He questioned.

"Had a run in with Colby and his wife." I told him, opening my eyes and looking at him.

"Wait....he's married?" Ashton asked raising his eyebrow in surprise.

"Apparently, i don't know if his family knows cause they haven't mentioned it to me, but she's a piece of work. She was calling me a piece of crap, and everything else because 'i'm keeping his daughter away from him' i doubt she even knows the whole story. But i told him he needs to re-evaluate what he deserves in life because he just keeps trading one toxic person in for the next." I told him.

"I'm sorry, babe." He said softly.

"It's not your fault. I knew i would have a run in with him eventually." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Does Lily know?" He asked quietly, a sadness coming over his face as he asked.

"Of course not! She's too young, i've decided when she's old enough to understand i will tell her, and she can make her own decision and form her own opinions of him. If she wants to have something to do with him then i will be behind her every step of the way, if she doesn't want anything to do with him then i will back her on that too." I explained.

"I'm just scared when the time comes and she realizes i'm not her real father she won't want anything to do with me anymore...." He said that same sad look on his face. How can he even think that? Lily adores him.

"Are you kidding me? She'll love you even more! You have been there for her her whole life, you love her when you didn't have to, she's going to see all of that. And just because she may or may not want her biological father in her life doesn't mean that you won't still be a father figure to her. It won't mean that she won't want you in her life, or that you won't mean the world to her. You're her hero. She looks at you like you hung the moon, she loves you, and that's not something that you can just throw away. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about." I assured him.

I can't believe he would think that she wouldn't love him anymore, or that she wouldn't want him around anymore. He doesn't see the way she looks at him like i do, he doesn't see the absolute love on her little face, or when it's nap time she has to call her daddy because she can't go 'night night' without telling her daddy she loves him.

He doesn't see how it's all about her daddy, 'mommy, make sgetti for dinner, daddy likes sgetti!' 'momma, when daddy coming home?' 'can i call daddy?' 'i can't go night night, daddy hasn't read to me yet!' She absolutely adores him, and nothing would ever change that.

Only two chapters after this one!

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