Chapter 22.4: The Sauna Test.

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Hawkins Pool

People play in the pool as Billy sits in the lifeguard tower with a towel over his legs. Will and Lucas head into a shed that reads "Maintenance Personnel Only".  Lucas glances back at Will opening boxes. 

"Uh, Will? Um, you know, about yesterday.." 

"It's fine Lucas. You don't have to say anything." Will says looking back at him.

"I know, but it's just..." Lucas says picking up a metal rod. "It was a really cool campaign, and Mike and I, we should've never-"

"I don't care anymore, Lucas. I really don't. We have bigger things to worry about now." Will says taking a cardboard box and pulling out a big metal chain. "This should hold him." Will says to Lucas holding the chain.

El pops a padlock open, walking into the storage room and lifts a CPR dummy off a shelf. Mike comes in sighing. 

"Hey, I found the breakers." Mike says to El as she pauses, holding the dummy. 

El turns around. "Whoa, that thing is super creepy. Let me see it." Mike says taking the Dummy. "I think this'll work." Mike says holding the Dummy. "Right, buddy?" 

"Right, Mike." Mike says in a squeaky voice, making the Dummy talk. He smiles at El, who gives him an unamused face, snatching the Dummy and starts to leave.

"Hey, El.." Mike says stopping El; she stops.

"I just wanted to say..You know when I said nana was sick? She wasn't. I lied."

"I know." El says about to walk away but Mike stops her again.

"Right, right, right. No, I just...think it was important for you to know the context. Hopper, he went all crazy on me, telling me I'm spending way too much time with you. He made me lie. I mean, you're the most important thing to me in the world." Mike explains to El.

"What if he's right?" El tells Mike putting down the dummy.


"Hop." El say's walking towards Mike.

"No, no, no, no. He's just some angry old man who hates joy."

"But if I only see you.." El says putting her finger in Mike's shoulder. "and I'm a different species than you, then I should be with my species more."

"What are you talking about?"

El glares at Mike and turns away picking up the dummy. Mike gasps.

"Did you spy on me? That's totally against the rules!" Mike exclaims.

"I make my own rules." El says putting the dummy around her shoulder, walking out of the storage room.

"Mike, are you there?" Max asks through the walkie talkie.

"Yeah!" Mike yells through it.

"Where are you guys?"

"I'm coming, just...hold on a second." Mike says turning off the walkie talkie. "Shit!"

Max spys on Billy, still in the parking lot using her binoculars. "God, I hope it's not you...I really hope it's not you."

Billy stares ahead and plays with a lighter, clutched in his hand.

At, the shed, Y/n catches up to Will as he starts to look for Mike.

"Hey, Will?" 

"Yes, my love?" Will says jokingly.

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