Chapter 21.4: Silver Cat.

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(play this)


Outside Hawkins Pool

It's pouring rain and everyone at Hawkins pool is leaving. They have their sweaters and towels covering their faces, some have umbrellas. Some kids are playing in the rain, some are getting into their cars with their parents. Y/N, Max, And El left Max's house to return the missing lifeguards fanny-pack and go to the front desk. Max is wearing a yellow raincoat, El is wearing a red one, and Y/N are wearing a blue one.

(stop playing the music)

"excuse me" Max says to the Hawkins Pool manager politely.

The manager is reading a Magazine next to another employee who is drinking 'cherry coke'.

"No one in the water until 30 minutes after the last strike. And don't try and argue with me. You wanna get electrocuted go climb a tree." The Manager says in a bored tone without even looking at me, El, and Max.

We all look at the manager confused and awkwardly. 

"Yeah, we don't care. We're not here to swim. Or get electrocuted.." Max says in a "duh" tone.

I hand El the fanny-pack and she holds it up.

"we found this." El says wondering if it belongs to anyone. 

The Manager finally looks up at them and raises an eyebrow. The employee takes a sip of her cherry coke.

"Does that belong to anybody?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah. That's heathers. I'll get it back to her." The manager says suspiciously smirking. 

"We, could give it back to her." El says looking at Max and I, then at the Manager. 

"You could, 'Cept she's not here. Bailed on me today." 

We all look at each other worried.

"What is this? You girls want a reward or somethin'?" The manager says with no expression on his face.

"No." I say to the manger.

"We're just...Good samaritans." Max says smiling at the manger. 

The employee smiles at us and I look at the bulletin board behind me. Max stops smiling and gives the employee a weird look. 

The board has photos of the lifeguards who work here. 

(start at 1:04)

There's a picture of heather. I tap El and we all walk over to the board. I stare at it for a few seconds, then look at El. 

"Heather.. do you think you can find her?" Max says looking at the photo.

I glance at the Hawkins Pool Manager and the employee and see that they are just talking and looking at magazines. 

"They aren't looking." I say to Max.

El rips the photo of heather off the bulletin board. We all walk to the showers and Max and I start to turn on all of them. As we are doing that, El takes goggles from the supply room and puts tape over them; creating darkness. El puts the photo of Heather in front of her and sits on the floor. As she's about to put on the goggles I put my hand on her leg.

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