Chapter 21.3: We're not Kids anymore!

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Max's House

(start music at 3:10)

El counts to 3 and opens the cabinet. 

"Oh my god" You say. El takes out a basket from inside the cabinet.

"What is it?" Max asks fearfully.

El takes out a lifeguard fanny pack; You and Max look at it. As El is looking inside the fanny-pack, you look inside the bucket and pull out a bloody whistle. You tap El and hand the whistle to her. We all have extremely worried faces.

(stop playing music)



Hawkins Post

Nancy and Jonathan are looking at the photo's of the "diseased" rats that Jonathan took. 

"you sure about this?" Jonathan asks Nancy worried. 

"you really are your mothers son, you know that?" Nancy says to Jonathan laughing.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jonathan says also laughing.

Nancy rolls her head and looks back at Jonathan. "It worry too much." She says letting out a slight chuckle. 

"huh" Jonathan says slightly agreeing.

"I got this." Nancy whispers as she kisses Jonathan. 

"okay." Jonathan whispers. 

Nancy walks away and Jonathan smiles then follows her to Tom's office but stays at the door.


Tom's Office 

"What exactly are we looking at here? Is this is Driscoll lady stuff?" Tom says sarcastically. 

"No, no, see that's the thing. Listen, I thought she was crazy too, but,-" Nancy says as one of the workers at the post interrupt her. 

"She told me Johnson killed Kennedy." The worker says as he grabs a donut. Everyone else including Tom laugh at his comment. 

"-But, it turns out she's not alone." Nancy explains convincingly to the workers. Jonathan can hear Nancy talking in Tom's office and he's nervous that she's going to screw something up.

"Blackburns Supply, Hawkins Farming, the Crawleys, they've all had some supplies go missing, all in the past few days. And- and- It's not just fertilizer. It's Pesticides, cleaning supplies, diesel fuel. And that's just from one day of calling around. I mean..there's got to be more." Nancy explains to the men. 

"Okay, wait, wait, wait. Let me get this little..Story of yours straight. So, little rodents have gone cuckoo in their furry little minds and they're running around the town of Hawkins, dining out on chemicals?" Bruce (one of the workers) says very sarcastic using hand motions to express what he's saying. 

"I-I know how it sounds but--" Nancy says but gets cut off by Bruce. 

He shows her the photo's of the rats. "but you've got proof!" All of the men at the post laugh. 

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