Chapter 7 : Trial 1 ~ Secure Alibi

Start from the beginning

  The room was large, and was well lit. The room was painted golden, and was shaped like a circle. Glorious patterns were plastered onto the wall, and a set of podiums were arranged in a circle. Monopug leaped over to a giant throne at the end of the circle, and gestured for everyone to take a podium. No one questioned it, and took their places.

  Everyone noticed two pictures standing on two of the podiums. One had Dexter’s face, and had a pink cross smothered on it, which maintained the shape of a brush, and the other had James' face, which also had a pink cross on it, along with an explosion sign on top. Everyone exchanged grim looks.

  "Upupu! Let’s get started then shall we? Let the trail commence!" Monopug yelled.

  "You haven’t told us what we need to do," Alfonso pointed out, raising his eyebrow.

  Monopug rolled his eyes. “Okay, okay, here’s the rules. The whole point of this trial is to detect the murderer! Discover the murderer, and I will... dispose of them" He let out a chuckle "But, if you guess incorrectly, and the murderer was not discovered, I will kill everyone except the real culprit! Now, start already, I’m getting bored!”

  Monopug's speech was followed by a deadly silence, but Heather was quick to break it. "It's obviously going to be someone who wasn’t in their room right?" Heather said with a smug smile.

  "Yeah, but the only people we know were not in their room was Topher, Mina and Maggie..." Nick followed, while looking at the trio. "Mina and Maggie were in the cafeteria, and Topher warned them about the body..."

  "Hm? So those three all had good opportunities to kill Dexter" Alfonso said.

  "Heh, I’m so smart," smiled Heather, putting her hands on her hips. 

 The students looked at the trio. Mina and Maggie were looking directly at each other, and Topher was holding his arm nervously. 

  "So you want our alibi?" Maggie questioned, Alfonso nodded.

  "We were in the cafeteria, as Nick said, and there is nothing else to it," Maggie replied abruptly. 

  "How can we trust that, you ain’t helping yourself here," argued Geno. Mina put her hoodie down, revealing her deep brown hair. 

  "You know, they could be working together, they could easily take Dexter down," Suggested Tim. He winked at Heather, who was clapping at him. 

  "They couldn’t have, only one of them would be able to leave," Gel replied, "It says in the rules, only the actual murderer can leave, isn’t that right Monopug?" Monopug suddenly jolted up, as if he was woken from a deep slumber.

  "Upupu! This is true! Just to think, you could have been onto something," Monopug chuckled, before going back to his slumped position

  "Well, that puts a hole in our trail..." Nick silently said.

  "How were they both in the cafeteria in the first place? I still don’t believe this alibi just yet," Snorted Alfonso, not accepting defeat.

  Mina opened her mouth to reply, but Maggie interrupted her. "Don’t you remember, me and Mina can speak without talking, it’s my power remember? Not like some walls can prevent my ability from working, Mina was simply hungry, and was scared of becoming a victim." Maggie seemed pretty wound up, her face coloured red. "We even have people to vouch for us, isn’t that right, Gel, Topher, Nick and Dylan?"

  The three nodded in unison. 

  "I went to get a drink, and those two were in the cafeteria at the time, I doubt they could commit a murder in such a little time from then and the estimated murder time," supported Gel, her cheeks becoming puffy.

  "The murder time was around 2:30 right? We found the body at 2:35, I agree that is a little too quick..." Nick stuttered. 

  "What if the cafeteria clock was wrong? They could have easily changed it to make it look like it had only been a little while..." Adam suggested, but Maggie quickly responded.

  "There is no way to reach the clock, it too high, even on a ladder". Everyone slowly nodded, and went back to the conversation.

  "Let’s...Move onto another subject, How about the murder weapon?" Jessica said.

  "We found a knife hidden in book, it was covered in blood, so it could have easily been the murder weapon..." Adam added. 

  "The cause of death was the stab wounds to his back, so it seems plausible".  Alfonso put his hand to his chin, and then pointed at Nick. "You said earlier it looked like a knife from the kitchen, was it?"

  "Uh, y... yes it was, one was missing from the holder," replied nick nervously. To everyone's surprise, Monopug pulled out the bloody kitchen knife from inside his stomach. "*gulp* specifically that one".

  "What I want to know is how you knew that’s what the knife looked like," Alfonso questioned, "If I remember correctly, your team did not explore the cafeteria".

  Everyone fell silent and looked at Nick. Nick's eyes were wide open, and his breathing intensified.

  "Well, uh, um..." Nick began

  "It’s not Nick, he has a good reason for knowing the look of the knifes" Maggie interrupted. Nick let out a sigh of relief, and let Maggie continue. "Nick entered the cafeteria to get a drink, therefore he must of at least have a glimpse of the knifes".

  "He could have hidden it, just like it was hidden in the book!" Heather added, waving her hands to get everyone's attention.

  "Impossible, he had nowhere to hide it without it being easily seen by me and Mina," Maggie complained. The group was getting nowhere. Time was slowly ticking down, and instead of getting rid of puzzles, they just added to the never ending collection...

  [[Have a chapter in your life, friends: 3]]

[[This mystery business is so tricky without making the culprit completely obvious xD Never mind, it’s fun to make :D If you enjoyed this amazing chapter feel free to leave a comment and even leave a little like :3 Thank you, and until next time ~]]

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