Drifting Away

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Madison POV

I shift my body, groaning at the annoying noise coming from my alarm clock. I stretch my arm out slapping the nightstand a few times before I hit the clock. I open one of my eyes my vision a bit blurry, and the events that took place last night at the forefront of my mind and I don't know who to go to with this. If I tell Austin, he'll die.

I roll over onto my back. He kept his promise, he is gone. I wonder when he left. I sit up and my toes touch the cold wood of my floor. I stand and stretch trying to wake up a little. I walk into the bathroom taking a shower and putting my hair up in a ponytail, because let's face it, I'm too lazy to do anything with it.

I walk out and into the kitchen seeing Austin and Derek having a hushed conversation. "What's going on guys?" I ask, Austin jumps, having not seen me behind him. "You scared me. And, nothing, don't worry about it." Austin says still a little upset from me scaring him. "Hi Derek." I say waving a bit, while pouring myself a cup of coffee.

"How are you Madi? Austin is really worried about you." He says to me, his deep voice ringing on my ears. I always loved his voice, it was so thick and deep, I know Austin likes it, he talks about it all of the time. "I'm fine, thanks for asking." I say back, and I hear a scoff come from Austin. I turn around looking at him with my eyebrow raised. "What?" I ask a bit irritated at him. He shakes his head.

"I just don't see how you take this so lightly Madison, he isn't good, and you- you are too damn naïve. People like him hurt people like you, all because they can." Austin says getting louder and louder with every word, flailing his arms around so I would get the point. I feel appalled at him. Derek jumps up from his seat walking towards Austin and I. Wrapping his arms around Austin from behind whispering sweet words into his ear.

"I just worry for you Madi." He says trying to somewhat apologize to me for acting like a crazy person. I smile nodding at him in agreement to his statement. He gives a small smile, tearing up a bit. I go back to my room getting ready for work at the office. I really didn't have the energy, but it pays the bills. I was in a state of nothingness right now for the loss of my mind and there is nothing that can save me now.

I walk to my closet picking out my outfit for work (See pic on the side, or at the top if on your phone. For her outfit for work). I walk out pulling some jewelry on my wrist. I look at myself in the mirror, hoping that the day will just play in fast forward, I smooth the front of my shirt down.

"You look beautiful." I scream jumping a bit turning around seeing Zayn sitting in the rocking chair behind the door. Austin barges in looking at me, "You okay?" he asks looking around, and I nod. "I just seen a spider is all." I say looking at him as Derek comes and stands behind him. "Damn spiders, I thought you were dead." He says exasperated, I laugh at him. He shakes his head walking out and shutting the door behind him revealing a very amused Zayn.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper yell at him, so Austin won't hear. He chuckles, "I missed you." He says while standing up, walking over to me. "I really missed you. You're addicting, you know that?" he asks whispering in my ear, as he takes one hand gripping my waist, while he takes his other hand running it up and down my side. "You should go." I say pushing his chest. He lets me go laughing a bit. "You missed me, you know you did." He tells me with that famous smirk of his.

"I didn't, please go away. Didn't you say you'd be gone and that I wouldn't have to see you Saturday?" I ask getting a bit louder the more agitated I got. He shook his head with a smile. "My sweet Madi, I promised you I'd be gone by the time you woke up, and as for Saturday, you don't have to go, we cancelled those plans. But, I never said that I wouldn't stop by and see you." His words were true, and it was then that I felt stupid, like I should have known all along that this would happen, he'd find a loophole, but I didn't.

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