Chapter 29

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Ally walks into the smoke-filled study where Victor along with Federick were gathered. On the modly black wall, there were five large screens. Each one of them showing images and videos of the attacks that were happening because of the newly Lycans that Victor created. You can hear the screams of people, the screams and howls of the newly Lycans as well as the sound of gunshots from the local police as they tried to save people from the hungry Lycans.

Alpha Victor turns away from the screens and turns to Ally before opening up his arms, signaling for her to give him a hug. Ally walks up to him and hugs him, both of them with a huge evil grin on their faces. He smelled like cigarettes but more like alcohol and Ally could tell that he was already halfway intoxicated.

"You did well. I wish I could have been there to see them rushing out into the cold night" Alpha Victor says as he sits on the chair. The sounds of gunshots and people screaming still can be heard in the back as the screens keep on playing the images with the audio.

Ally takes a seat on the chair in front of him, "It was a sight to see Alpha Victor. I wish you could have been there. By midnight we should have the army that you wish for. The strongest army and pack in the entire world." Ally boasts and Alpha Victor smiles.

"The strongest of them all. I will soon rule over all the packs of the world, and the human race will go extinct as I always dreamed of. I will be to the world, that that purple guy is...uhh what's his name?"

"Purple guy?" Ally questions trying to understand what Alpha Victor was talking about.

"The purple guy! with the rings, it was a movie!" He says again as he snaps his fingers trying to remember the movie. 

"A purple guy..- Oh You mean Thanos!" Ally says and Alpha Victor's eye lit up.

"Yes! I couldn't remember the damn name, but that is exactly who I am talking about. Anyways, we got two hours until might night, go out with a few of my guards and see how the streets are doing. I want you to report to me before midnight." Alpha Victor orders before turning his back to the screens to watch the massacre and turning off every human and werewolf that got in the path of these Lycans.

"Yes Alpha" Ally bows before leaving the office.

As she was walking down the hallway and pauses when she sees the Luna, Alpha Victor mate. She sat all by herself on the balcony. The wind blew her hair softly as she looked out the window to the city. She looked sad and lost. Her skin was pale and she had apparent wrinkles on her face. She looked lost in her thoughts and Ally knew that she wasn't really there. Ally couldn't blame her though. She couldn't imagine being mated to Alpha Victor. A man of addiction, poor choices, and evil viciousness. Still, Ally knew that she needed to keep up a strong face and ignore all else if she wanted her plan to go accordingly.

She continued her way down the hallway and out the doors to the courtyard. She walked out, her boots making noise on the gravel with every step she took towards her white and very shiny Mercedes. She got in and locked the doors before driving off in the direction of the city where the massacre was happening. Taking out her phone, she dials a number on the touch screen and waits as it dials.

"Is everything ready for tonight?" Ally asks when she gets an answer. "Perfect, it will all go down at mid-night and I want to be the one to take his head. Yes- They will all be drunk by the time it's twelve if you guys get there before me. Do not touch him, and certainly do not touch the Luna".



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