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I walked around the foster hoping to find another human,but all I saw were dead bodies surrounding me.
I went out after searching the home for what seemed like years.I didn't know what to do or where to go.The street was filled with blood and dead bodies laying on the floor.Not one soul alive.I cried as I walked around the town.The night fell and darkness took over the dead town.I settled in an unknown home falling asleep in a strange bed,hoping to wake up the next day and find out that this was all just a bad dream.
I opened my eyes in a white room.An old man with long beard and grey eyes approached me slowly as I backed up.
M:W-Who are you?-I said lowly,stuttering
?:It's been a long time Ara-he smiled as he pulled me into a tight hug
I couldn't move,I just shivered as this unknown man let go of me and sat next to me.
M:W-Who is Ara?-I said crying
His eyes widened for a second but then he turned back to his calm state.
?:Oh dear,what have they done to you?-he said patting my head and tucking my hand behind my ear
I just looked at him in fear.
?:It's okay,I won't hurt you,do you remember my face perhaps-he smiled at me and I relaxed a little
M:S-sorry but I d-don't-I said looking down
?:Oh my,they really took your memories
M:My m-memories-I was confused.Who took my memories?Why would they do that?Who is this man and why should I trust him?
?:I know it's hard to believe me,since to you it's as if you just met me.I'm Mino,I used to be you teacher back then,before the war of nations-he smiled taking out his hand
M:War?-I said taking his hand
MI:Oh my dear Ara,my dear dear Ara-he sighed
MI:My time here is limited so please listen to me carefully and try to believe even tho it will be hard-he said as he put some type of powder in the air that created a picture of some sort.
I watched as the powder created different pictures and listened carefully to who I now know as Mino.
MI:Millions of years ago 13 nations were create din this world,12 of them having magic powers.Humans were isolated,only a few of them knowing of the existence of these 12 powerful nations on this planet.They all lived in peace until the demon clan started the war,they conquered the world and ruled it for years and killed everyone who tried to stop their domination.That's how you my dear Ara lost your nation and family.I took you with me and along with 11 others you sealed the demon clan in the prison in the underworld that can never be escaped.I died in the war,so I can't tell you what happened afterwards,but what I do know is that the demon presence is felt in the world again which means that the seal is slowly breaking for some reason.You need to find the other true signs and seal the demons again.-as he said that he slowly started disappearing
M:No,this isn't true.I couldn't do that,I don't have any magical powers-I said conflicting with myself in my mind.Is this all true or just imagination?
MI:Ara,you have incredible powers,just believe-he said as he disappeared completely
M:No,no,don't go.No I need answers,no please-I said when I suddenly woke up in the bed I slept in yesterday.It was morning.
M:Ara huh...-I said as I looked down
M:This can't be true can it?And even if it is how am I supposed to find 11 people I can't even remember-I said pacing around the room
Then I remembered the guy that saved me in the foster home
A:C-Could he fo the signs?

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