"Come with me." Harley took the necklace from you and grasped your wrist tightly. A yelp escaped from your mouth when he pulled and started to lead you somewhere.

~•~•~•~•~•~•~•TIME SKIP•~•~•~•~•~•~•

     "In other words, that necklace can shift you from one universe to another." The mage genius snapped the book shut. "You understand, (Y/N)?" He turned to his listener who seems to be staring into nothingness. A sigh escaped his lips.

     Harley used the magic of his staff and made a tarot card float. You were met by a harsh slap on the cheek. It's really surprising for a thin card to hit you that hard but they aren't like any other. It's his weapon and he can slap you with it if he wants to.

     "To protect the empire!" The impact was enough to snap you out of your trance. You somehow shouted your thoughts out loud and ended up being shushed by the librarian. You covered your mouth and simply gave her an apologetic look.

     "What?" Harley asked. "You weren't listening to me, were you?" He glared daggers at you for the second time. You tensed up and you swear if looks could kill, you'd be dead a long time ago. "I guess I wasn't..."

     He rolled his eyes from your response yet you weren't able to see it. Your gaze is focused on the scribbles and doodles on the table.

     "I was thinking about the ceremony. The warriors are probably having a party right now." You explained. "I imagine being a part of it and reciting the oath with the others... I worked hard to memorize it." You placed your head down on the table and covered your face with your arms.

     Harley looks at you from the corner of his eyes. His face softened as another sigh left his lips. "Whose fault is it? You won't listen to your leaders' orders."

     You didn't gave any reply but a simple huff and turning your head to the other direction. Harley manipulated another card to lift your chin up and face him. He saw your gloomy mood but isn't bothered by it. "I'll explain it again and you better listen this time!" He retrieves his card back as you gave him a timid nod.

     "Like I said earlier, the jewel in the necklace is called Lorelai. It has the magic to teleport anyone into another universe. In order to do that, you must activate it first with something that provides or enhances power. It could be one of the Twilight Orbs or from either of the two Lords."

     "There are many other jewels other than the Lorelai. Each has different magic but what they all have in common is they can store a whole twilight orb inside! It boosts their magic and you can still use the twilight orb inside."

     "Besides that, you can make these jewels by connecting the right shards together. I know there's a whole cave filled with them but I'm sure it's destroyed now. A shard alone or an incomplete jewel can't absorb and store a twilight orb inside it though. It's super rare to find a whole jewel of these shards so I'm impressed you managed to find one."

     A small smile curved your lips. If it's rare to find a jewel like Lorelai then it's rarer to be commended by someone like Harley!

     "I happen to have a shard with me." The mage genius took his hat off and stuck his hand inside. You leaned a bit closer to get a better look. "It looks like this." He magically revealed a crystal shard. Its features are similar to the one shown in the book. The edges of the shard looks as if it could fit into something like a puzzle piece.

     You observed that there's a difference between the two. "Why is it duller than the one in the pic?" You asked him. "It simply means it isn't activated yet." Harley clenched his fingers around the shard. You silently mouthed 'wow' when it disappeared as he reopens his palms.

     "Let's activate it then!" You got excited and chimed in the idea. Harley scowls and shook his head. "It's a bad idea, (Y/N). You still want to graduate, don't you?"

     For a moment, you remained silent. "Promise me you won't do it." Harley states and you gave him a single nod. He looks at you for a short while before standing up from his seat. "If you don't have anymore business with me, then I must be on my way. I have to catch up with Sr. Gord and his extra magic classes."

     Harley left your table and headed to the exit. You stood up as well to leave but you still need to put the book in one of the baskets so it would return itself in its shelf.


     "Hm?" Your hand paused in midair as you turned to face him. He clears his throat before meeting with your gaze

     "I know you're upset about missing the ceremony but you still have the chance to become a hero."

     You felt your heart skip a beat. You knew Harley as someone who cares less for others so it always excites you each time he tries to give some motivation. A small smile starts to curve your lips.

     "I-I think you'll be a great Moniyan warrior a-and with your skills and knowledge,"

     Pink starts to tint Harley's cheeks and warm his face up. He hated stuttering and getting all embarrassed but he felt really sorry for the way you looked earlier. He just had the feeling he had to do something to make you feel better. You would do the same to him so why not return it to you?

     The mage genius tipped his hat to hide his blushing cheeks as he broke the eye contact. "I don't have a doubt that you'll be a great Lightborn someday..."

     Your smile was a mile wild as every word he said reached your heart. You quickly dropped the book in the basket and pranced at the mage.

      "Hey!" His face immediately burnt with red. He tried to push you away but your grip on his form was too tight. "Harley! That was so sweet! It's like the first time you ever said that to me! I'm so touched!" You hugged him even tighter.

     A tick mark appeared on his forehead as he raised his magic staff. You levitated from the ground and start to drift away from the mage. "Would you keep your dirt to yourself?" He complained and dusts his suit with his hands.

     He turns of the telepathic magic he used on you and you landed on the ground with your feet. "You better not bother me again." That blushing mess version of him faded quickly as the original stoic one takes over again. "Okay!"

He huffs with a hint of annoyance before leaving.

     The smile is still present as you stood there. You made sure first that Harley is gone before heading back to the columns of shelves in the library. "Something that provides power, huh?" Your fingertips trail on the spines of each book.

"Let's see..."


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